I can reproduce the exception via the JavaEE schemas included with
NetBeans, but not with the ones directly from Glassfish.
So the ones included in NetBeans (added recently... go figure) are bogus
somehow. We'll fix it.
Sorry, I'd meant to try this myself before initially sending the email
but it slipped my mind this AM when I sent this.
Peter Williams wrote:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Peter Williams wrote:
>>> Is the <injection-target> element supposed to be a valid element in
>>> a user's JavaEE5 standard descriptor file?
>>> The spec is somewhat vague, but near as I can tell this should be
>>> legal and in fact is the correct way for the deployer role to
>>> override an annotated injection dependency without recompiling.
>>> The javaee5_xsd includes a definition of this type but the various
>>> type definitions for the reference types for which this ought to be
>>> valid do not include it as a child. The end result is that if you
>>> use this in a project (say inside NetBeans), the XML parser will
>>> declare your descriptor file as invalid with an error. For example,
>>> a service-ref with an injection-target node, the error is
>>> "cvs-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid context was found starting with
>>> element 'injection-target'. One of
>>> '{"http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee":port-component-ref,
>>> "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee":handler,
>>> "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee":handler-chains}' is expected."
>>> An application using this will pass the verifier though.
>>> So, are the descriptor schemas for JavaEE5 broken? Is the JDK's XML
>>> schema based validating parser broken? Or is there some other spec
>>> weirdness going on here (such as this entry is only for use by the
>>> server)?
>> It should work. I just tried a simple example and it worked
>> for me (which is to say that the XML parser and schema verifier
>> said it was ok.)
>> Here's the example I tried:
>> <service-ref>
>> <description>google service ref</description>
>> <service-ref-name>service/GoogleSearch</service-ref-name>
>> <service-interface>googleclient.GoogleSearchService</service-interface>
>> <wsdl-file>GoogleSearch.wsdl</wsdl-file>
>> <jaxrpc-mapping-file>googleclient.model</jaxrpc-mapping-file>
>> <injection-target>
>> <injection-target-class>com.example.MyApp</injection-target-class>
>> <injection-target-name>id9</injection-target-name>
>> </injection-target>
>> </service-ref>
>> Is there a problem with the JDK version or parser version you're using?
> I don't know. I wouldn't have expected there to be. I will check the
> way the XML parsing is being initialized in NetBeans and which parser
> is being used. Sounds like it's probably a bug on our (NetBeans) side.
> Reusing the schemas from the FCS build of Glassfish V1 or V2 from
> lib/schemas should be correct, right?
> -Peter
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