All smoke tests failing when port 1044 is used by another process...

From: Mark A. Basler <Mark.Basler_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 09:09:10 -0700

HI Guys,

Last night I was trying to run the CTS smoke tests on Glassfish and they
were all failing with an exception from the webtier in the log stating
the port 1044 isn't available.

I checked netstat and found another process had this port. I searched
the web for "glassfish 1044" and got some references to the the http-ssl
port, but couldn't find any configuration in domain.xml for the port number.

Eventually all the tests passed when the other process released the 1044
port, but for future reference, how can I work around this problem if
the port is in use again.

Please let me know...

Thanks - Mark