javax.el bundled in JSP 2.1 API

From: Antonio Petrelli <>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 09:33:15 +0200

Hi developers!
First of all, I apologize if this is not the correct mailing list to ask.
I noticed that javax.el package is bundled together with jsp-api 2.1 jar.
Since javax.el is (or better, should be) independent from JSP, is
there a reason because it is bundled this way?
What I mean is that there are projects,for example JUEL:
that do not use JSP but they use javax.el. The developer needed to
download the source and embed it in its own package. I think it would
be better if he can depend only on javax.el.
OTOH, javax.el could be possibly be used under a JSP 2.0 environment.
I am investigating if I can integrate it into Tiles:
that depends on JSP 2.0.

It would be nice if the javax.el APIs were published as a different
Maven artifact.
