Re: context.xml vs sun-web.xml

From: Amy Roh <Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2007 21:32:06 -0700

Peter Williams wrote:
> Thanks for the answers. One more comment inline.
> Amy Roh wrote:
>> Peter Williams wrote:
>>> I just read Amy's blog
>>> (
>>> about a new V2 feature where context.xml from Tomcat is supported at
>>> several levels by Sun AppServer/Glassfish and I have several
>>> questions I need answers to:
>>> 1. What happens if deployed webapp contains both sun-web.xml and
>>> context.xml? Which one will be used? Assume the data is in conflict
>>> (e.g. the two context-root fields are different).
>> sun-web.xml should be used.
>>> 2. What happens if a deployed webapp containing sun-web.xml is
>>> deployed to a server that has a global or virtual context.xml
>>> defined? (Similar conditions to above)
>> same as above, sun-web.xml should be used.
>>> 3. Assume Glassfish is running on JDK 1.6 and only context.xml is
>>> specified. Will generated java sources for JSP's be saved to disk or
>>> not? If not, what should the user do to make this happen?
>> AFAIK, the behavior should be the same with or without context.xml
>> defined.
> Why would it be same?
> It's not when sun-web.xml is used (jsp-config property "keepGenerated"
> is required for JDK 6 jsp compiler to keep .java files present (for
> actions such as "View Servlet" in NetBeans web project module).
> Is a different jsp compiler (or different settings) used when supporting
> this file?

I meant it should use the default value ("false" for JDK 6 and "true"
for JDK 1.5 and earlier) with or without context.xml. It shouldn't
affect the current behavior and still uses the same jsp compiler
(jasper). Kin-man and Jan (aka jasper experts) can probably comment
more on this.


> -Peter
>> I forgot to mention other conflict cases in the blog. Basically, if
>> contextXmlDefault for a virtual server is defined, any conflicting
>> value will use the virtual-server's context.xml. For virtual servers
>> without contextXmlDefault defined, global context.xml values will be
>> used over webapp's context.xml.
>> Thanks,
>> Amy
>>> -Peter
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