Latest Update on Intermittent CVS Accesses - Wednesday 10 pm PDT

From: Jim Wright <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 22:01:53 -0700

Here is the update on the intermittent CVS accesses.

The Engineering Team has identified the root cause at
the code level and is preparing a patch for the
Production Site. This will be tested tonight. If, for any
reason, the patch does not succeed, we will proceed with
the migration of the Glassfish CVS repository to the backup
server as planned.

The patch will restore the reliability of CVS accesses
enabling builds to run to completion. It is expected to
also remove any need to retry Issue Tracker submissions.

Since the root cause involves a race condition only manifested
on the new, faster, 8-way dual core V890 now hosting the
Production Site, the patch cannot be completely verified until it
is installed in a live test on that site.

Next Steps
We will review the results of the live test early tomorrow
morning. Success will mean CVS accesses will exhibit normal
behavior. Otherwise we will begin the Glassfish CVS migration
to the backup machine.


Jim Wright
Developer Network Community Facilitator
CollabNet, Inc.; 8000 Marina Blvd., Suite 600
Brisbane, California 94005-1865, USA
Ph: +1 650 228-2500, Cell: +1 510 499-4135