Re: classloading resource in a webapp

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 12:15:20 -0700

Hi Ashish,

Ashish Sahni wrote On 03/13/07 10:14 AM,:

> Hi Folks,
> It appears that if a resource(in my case a executable script) present
> in the WEB-INF/lib/xyz.jar is loaded
> a runtime it(and other resources) actually gets unpacked in
> domain-name/generated/jsp/j2ee-modules/app-name/loader
> And that's the location from where the resource gets picked up as
> opposed to from WEB-INF/lib/xyz.jar
> This is causing issues from me as the resource is expecting to be in
> the archived form when executed.
> Where can I get more details about the 'exploding and then loading
> resources' feature like
> how does it work/can it be turned off/why its done that way etc.

The behaviour your are seeing is limited to JAR resources that are not
class files.
Currently, it cannot be turned off.
It was originally intended to prevent JAR locking issues on Windows.
