Re: glassfish broken after jaxws tests

From: Tom Amiro <Tom.Amiro_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 17:37:30 -0500


I've narrowed it down a bit. GF is fine, until
I run the SAAJ do-once target, which modifies
domain.xml to add some jars to the classpath-suffix.

I know from past experience that a bad domain.xml
can lead to similar problems. I've attached the domain.xml.
I don't see any obvious syntax errors, but more trained
eyes may be able to.


Tom Amiro wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm still trying to pin down what's going on, but
> wanted to send out word about a problem I'm seeing
> with GF promoted build 37-rc.
> We've been running the JAX-WS SQE and SAAJ tests
> on GF with WSIT installed or already integrated
> successfully until we cut over from beta build 33c
> to promoted build 37.
> The JAXWS tests with FI mode=none run with
> expected results but the SAAJ tests get stuck,
> because GF seems broken. It cannot be stopped.
> asadmin stop-domain doesn't complain, but
> the appserv process is still running and has
> to be killed. Afterward, asadmin start-domain
> again doesn't complain, but the server
> does not accept connections.
> The autodeploy directory is populated with
> lots of test jaxws test apps. This may be
> coincidental, but after manually deleting
> a few of them (java_*.war) and cleaning
> domain.xml, and restarting GF, the server
> was functional again.
> The problem may not be GF, other things have
> changed
> - updated jdk to 1.5.0_11
> - wsit jars and installer
> - jaxws tests (minor)
> but does this ring any bells? Note, we've
> been running these tests for a long time without
> any such problem. It is happens on Windows as
> well as Solaris.
> Tom
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