glassfish broken after jaxws tests

From: Tom Amiro <Tom.Amiro_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2007 16:23:35 -0500


I'm still trying to pin down what's going on, but
wanted to send out word about a problem I'm seeing
with GF promoted build 37-rc.

We've been running the JAX-WS SQE and SAAJ tests
on GF with WSIT installed or already integrated
successfully until we cut over from beta build 33c
to promoted build 37.

The JAXWS tests with FI mode=none run with
expected results but the SAAJ tests get stuck,
because GF seems broken. It cannot be stopped.
asadmin stop-domain doesn't complain, but
the appserv process is still running and has
to be killed. Afterward, asadmin start-domain
again doesn't complain, but the server
does not accept connections.

The autodeploy directory is populated with
lots of test jaxws test apps. This may be
coincidental, but after manually deleting
a few of them (java_*.war) and cleaning
domain.xml, and restarting GF, the server
was functional again.

The problem may not be GF, other things have

  - updated jdk to 1.5.0_11
  - wsit jars and installer
  - jaxws tests (minor)

but does this ring any bells? Note, we've
been running these tests for a long time without
any such problem. It is happens on Windows as
well as Solaris.
