Re: lib/install/templates

From: Lloyd L Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 11:11:31 -0700


I think it would be helpful to clarify the usage intent as you've
done below in your email, but in the instructions; the intent in the
instructions is far from self evident IMO.


On Mar 28, 2007, at 4:57 PM, Dinesh Patil wrote:

> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Dinesh Patil wrote:
>>> This is the subtle difference documented on the glassfish build
>>> instructions.
>>> BuildGlassFish.html#maven_goals
>>> Goal Name
>>> Commonly used command
>>> Description
>>> bootstrap
>>> maven -Dmodules=admin bootstrap checkout build
>>> Dowload glassfish-image-SNAPSHOT.jar file and unzip the file
>>> under the ${glassfish.home}(Server Image) to build individual
>>> modules
>>> bootstrap-all
>>> maven checkout bootstrap-all build
>>> Install an empty glassfish image that only contains the binaries
>>> dependencies, then download individual binary dependencies and
>>> unzip them into ${glassfish.home} and builds all modules from
>>> Sources.
>> Interesting. Can't the behavior of "bootstrap" change based on
>> whether "modules" is
>> set to less than all the modules, or based on whether the
>> workspace contains less
>> than all the modules?
> no that's not the purpose of these targets.
>> I guess the assumption is that, with bootstrap, some files will be
>> replaced as part
>> of the build so it doesn't matter if the snapshot contains old
>> versions of them,
>> but if you're building all modules you don't need any old versions
>> of the files
>> so it's better to get a clean build using bootstrap-all.
> Actually above two targets are for 2 different developers,
> bootstrap is for developer who want to take pre-built server and
> wants to make only changes in their module. So this type will
> pickup this pre-built server and apply only their changes.
> while bootstrap-all will do it from fresh, build from source for
> nightly builds to create everything from scratch..
> thanks
> Dinesh