Re: lib/install/templates

From: kedar <Kedar.Mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 15:08:53 -0700

In such cases, you have to use different "bootstrap"
rules, IMO.

I guess you are trying:
"maven -Dmodules=mail,activation bootstrap-all checkout build"

Can you try "bootstrap" instead of "bootstrap-all"?

There is a subtle difference between bootstrap and bootstrap-all :)

Bill Shannon wrote:
> I have two workspaces - one contains all modules, the other contains
> only the mail and activation modules.
> After a successful build, in publish/glassfish/lib/install/templates,
> the first workspace has lots and lots of files. The second workspace
> has only two. This causes configure-runtime to fail in the second
> workspace:
> configure-runtime:
> [copy] Copying 1 file to /cache/tmp/glassfish/publish/glassfish
> [echo] Current Java Version 1.5.0_11
> File...... /cache/tmp/glassfish/glassfish/bootstrap/maven.xml
> Element... ant:ant
> Line...... 384
> Column.... 76
> Warning: Could not find file
> /cache/tmp/glassfish/publish/glassfish/lib/install/templates/asenv.conf.template
> to copy.
> Total time: 6 seconds
> Does anyone else have a workspace with only a subset of the modules
> working correctly?
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