Re: Proposal for new GlassFish mailing list for Evangelist / Adoption / Marketing

From: Jamey Wood <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 10:46:05 -0600

I personally think that this needs to be put on an equal footing with
other ways of contributing to GlassFish. We have a dedicated list
("dev") for technical contributions. So to put this style of
contribution on equal terms, it should also have a dedicated list (which
I personally think should be called "advocacy").

In fact, I think we really need to look at this as a team or sub-project
and not just a mailing list. People should have a way to sign up and
specifically feel like they play an active role in suggesting and
implementing new ways of increasing awareness and perception of GlassFish.


Mark Hansen wrote:
> It is great to see accelerating adoption of GF! I've been working
> with GF for over a year - using it as the platform for developing a
> book on Java Web Services. I've had a terrific experience on the USER
> and DEV lists. Here are my 2 cents:
> * More traffic on USERS would be a *good thing* because the more
> eyeballs in that one place - the faster questions get answered. * It
> looks good to have a lot of traffic on USERS. When evaluating an open
> source solutions, one common metric is for people to take a quick look
> at how much traffic is on the USERS list. High traffic means a
> vibrant community.
> * It is already kind of a pain to deal with the FORUM and the USERS
> list. IMO, those should be consolidated (I see that messages now get
> cross-posted, but threads don't cross over well because you cannot see
> the user names from FORUM on the USER list). Adding another list
> would create more complexity/confusion.
> * Mozilla needs a clearinghouse to sort through 1000s of issues
> related to 3rd party web sites not supporting their browser (being too
> IE-centric). GF doesn't have an evangelism issue on this scale (I
> don't think).
> Sincerely,
> Mark Hansen
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> GlassFish adoption is clearly accelerating and part of that has been
>> all the developers, users, and other members of the GF community that
>> have been contributing a lot of grass-root energy into this activity.
>> These community efforts are being coordinated informally through blog
>> threads, some threads in the general GF forum @ Java.Net and some
>> mailing threads in DEV and USERS mailing list.
>> Separatedly, Sun has had for a long time a sun-internal alias that
>> roughly covers this space. The fact that it is Sun-internal is a
>> historical anomaly and I want to fix that very soon by moving the
>> discussion somewhere at the GF community.
>> I'd like to ask for suggestions for name and location for this
>> discussions.
>> My feeling is that we do not want to "dump" all these new discussions
>> into the USERS alias, so my suggestion is to create a new mailing
>> list; name TBD (see proposals below).
>> Different OSS projects do things differently, but this type of
>> approach seems the right one for GF. From what I can see...
>> - Apache folds "technical evangelism" into USERS
>> - Mozilla has a very well developed "tech-evangelism" group, with
>> many aliases, etc.
>> - NetBeans has an evangelism team with an associated alias
>> ====
>> Thoughts? Comments?
>> Regarding, the name, last week I had created a
>> "", but then I realized it may be
>> best to ask for feedback. Names I can think of include:
>> - Marketing
>> - Evangelism
>> - Adoption
>> - Tech-Evangelism
>> I'd like to act on this by the end of the week, so post your thoughts
>> as replies to this thread.... I'm posting the thread to DEV but I'll
>> cross-post it to USERS and to the FORUM.
>> Thanks,
>> - eduard/o
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