Dinesh Patil wrote:
> Bill Shannon wrote:
>> Dinesh Patil wrote:
>>> I didn't see the obvious failure from the huge complete build.errs or
>>> short build.errs.filtered as well.. This seems to be the output of
>>> build and javadoc command, so error may be later on..
>> There's a whole bunch of code that doesn't compile successfully.
>> Why is that not an obvious build failure?
> I didn't find any messages in your build log that shows compiler errors.
Hmmm... Ok, maybe I didn't look closely enough. Maybe all this
compiler output is just warnings.
I think we had this discussion before... Is it impossible to fix the
code so that the compiler doesn't complain? Certainly some of the
warnings suggest that it is possible:
[java] [javac] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/tools/src/java/com/s
un/enterprise/tools/common/ui/MVCUtils.java:140: warning: non-varargs call of va
rargs method with inexact argument type for last parameter;
[java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Object for a varargs call
[java] [javac] cast to java.lang.Object[] for a non-varargs call and to
suppress this warning
Why aren't these being fixed?
Ok, you're right. I got an awk script to get rid of all the javac
warnings. That leaves me with this:
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to compile.classpath
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to catalina.classpath
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to pwc.classpath
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/jacc-provider/build
not found.
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/container-auth/build
not found.
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/jmac-provider/build
not found.
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/appserv-core/build n
ot found.
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to compile.classpath
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to grizzly.classpath
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/jdbcra/build not fou
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/jdbcra/tmp not found
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/tools/build not foun
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/avk/build not found.
[java] [delete] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/avk/help not found.
Total time: 1 minutes 54 seconds
Finished at: Fri Mar 16 06:06:56 PDT 2007
[cvs] cvs server: [06:10:12] waiting for guest's lock in /cvs/glassfish/apps
[cvs] cvs server: [06:10:42] obtained lock in /cvs/glassfish/appserv-core/sr
[cvs] M glassfish/admin-core-ee/dtds/admin-mbeans-descriptors-ee.xml
[cvs] M glassfish/admin-ee/templates/ee80/default-domain.xml.template
Attempting to download com-sun-commons-modeler-1.1-20070315.jar.
8/95K^M75/95K^M78/95K^M84/95K^M88/95K^M95/95K^M95K downloaded
[chmod] Skipping fileset for directory /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/publish/gl
assfish/lib. It is empty.
[jar] overview.html already added, skipping
[chmod] Skipping fileset for directory /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/publish/gl
assfish/lib. It is empty.
[java] [javac] Note: /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/deployment-api
uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
[java] [javadoc] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/servlet-api/src/jsr2
45/src/share/javax/el/ELContext.java:73: warning - Tag @link: reference not foun
d: javax.faces.context.FacesContext
[java] [javadoc] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/servlet-api/src/jsr2
45/src/share/javax/el/ELUtil.java:57: warning - Tag @link: reference not found:
[java] [javadoc] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/servlet-api/src/jsr2
45/src/share/javax/el/ELUtil.java:57: warning - Tag @link: reference not found:
[java] [javadoc] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/servlet-api/src/jsr2
45/src/share/javax/el/ELUtil.java:57: warning - Tag @link: reference not found:
[java] [javadoc] 4 warnings
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to compile.classpath
[java] [rmic] RMI Compiling 1 class to /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glass
[java] [rmic] IIOP has been turned on.
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to catalina.classpath
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to pwc.classpath
[java] [ear] Warning: selected ear files include a META-INF/applicatio
n.xml which will be ignored (please use appxml attribute to ear task)
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to compile.classpath
[java] Overriding previous definition of reference to grizzly.classpath
[java] [java] Renamed property from "CheckAllAtCommit" to "CheckAllAtCo
mmit2" in "Consistency", due to duplicate names or a forbidden name.
[java] [java] The root element is 'sun-cmp-mappings' and its class is '
[java] [java] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/cmp/support/ejb/src/
com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/Semantic.g:1476:28: warning:Label
ed subrules not yet supported
[java] [java] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/cmp/support/ejb/src/
com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/Semantic.g:1476:28: warning:Label
ed subrules not yet supported
[java] [java] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/cmp/support/ejb/src/
com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/Semantic.g:1480:32: warning:Label
ed subrules not yet supported
[java] [java] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/cmp/support/ejb/src/
com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/Semantic.g:1480:32: warning:Label
ed subrules not yet supported
[java] [locjar] Building localized jar: /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassf
[java] [locjar] Building localized jar: /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassf
[java] [locjar] Building localized jar: /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassf
[java] [locjar] Building localized jar: /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassf
[java] build_sub_components:
[java] [java] ******** in addTextTOElement **********
[java] [java] ******** in addTextTOElement **********
[java] [exec] Buildfile: aptbuild.xml
[java] [exec] compile:
[java] [exec] [echo] JSFTEMP = lib/jsftemplating-dt.jar
[java] [exec] [apt] Compiling 123 source files to /cache/tmp/glas
[java] [exec] [apt] warning: Annotation types without processors:
[java] [exec] [apt] Note: /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/ad
s.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[java] [exec] [apt] 1 warning
Total time: 34 minutes 9 seconds
Finished at: Fri Mar 16 06:41:11 PDT 2007
Some of those are obviously things that I could safely ignore. But which
of them are things that *could* be fixed by changing the code or build
For example, why is this line needed?
[java] [exec] [echo] JSFTEMP = lib/jsftemplating-dt.jar
And what is producing lines of this type?
[java] [java] /cache/tmp/glassfish-build/glassfish/cmp/support/ejb/src/
com/sun/jdo/spi/persistence/support/ejb/ejbqlc/Semantic.g:1476:28: warning:Label
ed subrules not yet supported
If it's ok that labeled subrules (whatever those are) are not yet supported,
can we fix the source file to not use them?