Re: [forum question] glassfish server not responding after some time

From: chris <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:41:26 +0800


您应该是中国人吧! 非常高兴能在glassfish project 上认识你!

Chris liao

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Cheng Fang
  Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 03:49
  Subject: Re: [forum question] glassfish server not responding after some time

  Thanks, Jeanfrancois. That did the trick. Here is what the user said:


  [in English]
  Problem solved. Now it's very stable. And I see the significant performance gain compared to the tomcat I used before. Glassfish rocks!


  Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
    Hi Cheng,

    can you ask to add:


    and see how it goes?


    -- Jeanfrancois

    Cheng Fang wrote:

      This is a question on forum (in Chinese):

      The user is using glassfish_v2_b36, configured 4 virtual servers in domain1, each virtual server corresponding to a domain name. This works fine. But after some time, the server stops responding to requests from web pages, as if the server is dead. After a few hours, everything is back to normal. Any ideas?


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