Re: SQLAnyhwhere: Is it OK to "fake" a sequence?

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 20:58:28 +0100

> Perhaps i missed it, can u explain why you feel you need to fake this?
> If the Database does not support SEQUENCE, i would not fake it.
> Having support for IDENTITY is enough.
> Once/IF ASA implements SEQUENCE then it is worth adding to ASA support
> in Toplink Essentials. Until then i would avoid adding this feature.
(1) is fakting it, too.

(2) If I am not faking it, the entity-persistence-tests will crash with
lots of errors, since the regression test suite is not able to deal with
platforms that do not support native sequences.

(3) Nobody told me how to add support for IDENTITY without adding
support for SEQUENCE.

(4) ASA natively only knows IDENTITY, it doesn't know SEQUENCE. So my
idea also was not to support it. But then the tests will not pass. This
is a design deficiency I already posted in the GF tracker.

Have Fun