Re: Old Admin UI

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 11:48:56 -0800

Sudhir Prabhu wrote:
> I get NullPointers at many places. And I am finding it very hard to
> work on the new GUI. I understand that it is still very new. But I end
> up spending a lot of time figuring out whats wrong.
Sorry to hear you have these problems. We certainly want to improve
quality and usability. I will work with you offline to address the issues.

> Can we also have the old admin UI till the new one is stabilized? That
> will help me and some of us in the team a lot.
> Thanks
> Sudhir
> Anissa Lam wrote:
>> Until 1/17 build, the old admin gui is predeployed but disabled.
>> To enable it, you need to manually modify the enabled flag in
>> <DOMAIN_ROOT>/config/domain.xml to true.
>> <web-module availability-enabled="false" context-root="/adminconsole"
>> directory-deployed="true" *enabled="false"*
>> location="${com.sun.aas.installRoot}/lib/install/applications/ee/admingui/adminGUI_war"
>> name="admin-console" object-type="system-admin"/>
>> After 1/17, the old admin gui will be completely removed.
>> What is the reason for you to want to use the old gui ? Is there
>> particular bug or feature missing in the new gui that you need to get
>> back to the old gui ?
>> thanks
>> Anissa.
>> Sudhir Prabhu wrote:
>>> Is there a way to invoke old admin ui with glassfish v2?
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