Re: SQLAnywherePlatform Status Update

From: Lance J. Andersen <Lance.Andersen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 17:37:17 -0500

What gets loaded into the database is the metadata that is used by
jConnect. This step is standard for jConnect regardless of which
database is being used, ASE, ASA or even an Open Server talking to
another database. This was an intentional design decision when
jConnect 1.0 was being developed). This step includes the creation of
a few tables and stored procedures.

Please realize, i do understand your point of view, as i had the
pleasure of explaining the jConnect design to many ASA (and ASE) users
while i was at Sybase.

You can run jConnect applications without installing the metadata,
however certain functions, such for example DatabaseMetaData methods,
are not available. This is fine for some applications.

There are really three issues here and i want to make sure they are not

- Support from a user perspective of ASA
   + This needs to work with both the iAnywhere driver and the jConnect
driver. They do not both have to be completely implemented at the same
time. Again, i think your work should be put back after it gets
reviewed and i believe the work to complete support for ASA using
jConnect is a separate task, but still an important one.
   + I believe support for ASA is of great value as it is a first class

- Implementation details of ASA support in Toplink Essentials
  + Internally, the organization of the code does make sense to keep
it as clean as possible, so yes i agree that the differences for the
support needs to be separated out.

- Validate jConnect 6.x works with Toplink Essesntials when we can
  + Against ASE 12.5.x and 15.x
Currently DataDirect (used to be Merant) does not support ASA with their
Sybase driver.

I also cannot comment on your jConnect errors as i have not seen them.
However as i said in the earlier email, we have not done a full test run
with jConnect 6.x against either ASE 15, 12.5.


Markus KARG wrote:
> Lance,
>> SQLAnywhere is SQLAnywhere so we do not really want to treat it
>> differently between jConnect and using the iAnywhere driver. The
>> code should work the same in both regards. Now that being said,
>> there could be some optimizations that are not available when using
>> TDS, but we should be able to determine that based on the driver as
>> we will know the protocol it uses.
> Well, actually it is not: (1) To use jConnect I must have jConnect
> support installed. If I am in a pure SQLAnywhere environment, then I
> will not install it (why should I?). (2) If it would be true, why is
> the test suite running well with the iAnywhere driver but failing with
> lots of errors with the jConnect driver?
> Again, please keep jConnect out of "my" SQLAnywherePlatform code but
> put it either inside of an inner class or split up driver and dbms
> support in TopLink (what sometimes you might need anyways to support
> Merant and other third party drivers).
> Have Fun
> Markus