> SQLAnywhere is SQLAnywhere so we do not really want to treat it
> differently between jConnect and using the iAnywhere driver. The code
> should work the same in both regards. Now that being said, there
> could be some optimizations that are not available when using TDS, but
> we should be able to determine that based on the driver as we will
> know the protocol it uses.
Well, actually it is not: (1) To use jConnect I must have jConnect
support installed. If I am in a pure SQLAnywhere environment, then I
will not install it (why should I?). (2) If it would be true, why is the
test suite running well with the iAnywhere driver but failing with lots
of errors with the jConnect driver?
Again, please keep jConnect out of "my" SQLAnywherePlatform code but put
it either inside of an inner class or split up driver and dbms support
in TopLink (what sometimes you might need anyways to support Merant and
other third party drivers).
Have Fun