Re: EE quick look

From: Nandini Ektare <Nandini.Ektare_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2006 14:21:23 -0800

Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
> Nandini,
> I wish it were true. I've tried the variations. I've removed all
> domains, and redone 'maven configure-cluster'. Last night I got it to
> run twice,
In between 2nd and 3rd run, do you remember what did you do other than
no change to code? It is hard to understand why all of a sudden the
third run failed when it had succeeded twice before ... but it will be
worth knowing if indeed you had done something that caused it to fail...
perhaps there is some bug lurking out there...

By the way did you do anything with your proxy settings? We had a hang
in EEQL on Mac yesterday due to changed proxy settings on the Mac build
machine. Actually the hang is not really a hang...the step
(verify-setup) that waits to connect to the admin url times out after
360000 its just waiting. The actual reason is in earlier steps
where the instance sqe-server instance fails to start because its sync
fails (which fails due to a timeout waiting to connect through the proxy
to DAS). That is why there is no http server listening at 38080...

Which also means, I gathered just now, your warning is wrong! It is not
http port for sqe-domain but for sqe-server. You should remove that warning.

> then fail the 3rd time, with no change to the code!
> asenv.conf shown below
> AS_ANT="/gf/run/lib/ant"
> AS_ANT_LIB="/gf/run/lib/ant/lib"
> AS_WEBSERVICES_LIB="/gf/run/lib"
> AS_NSS="/gf/run/lib"
> AS_NSS_BIN="/gf/run/lib"
> AS_IMQ_LIB="/gf/run/imq/lib"
> AS_IMQ_BIN="/gf/run/imq/bin"
> AS_CONFIG="/gf/run/config"
> AS_INSTALL="/gf/run"
> AS_JAVA="/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home"
> AS_ACC_CONFIG="/gf/run/domains/domain1/config/sun-acc.xml"
> AS_JHELP="/gf/run/lib"
> AS_ICU_LIB="/gf/run/lib"
> AS_DEF_DOMAINS_PATH="/gf/run/domains"
> AS_JDMK_HOME="/gf/run/lib/SUNWjdmk/5.1"
> AS_NATIVE_LAUNCHER_LIB_PREFIX="/jre/lib/i386/client"
> AS_WEBCONSOLE_LIB="/gf/run/lib"
> AS_JATO_LIB="/gf/run/lib"
> AS_HADB="Does not exist."
> AS_DERBY_INSTALL="/gf/run/javadb"
> AS_MFWK_HOME="/opt/SUNWmfwk"
> Lloyd
> On Dec 8, 2006, at 1:31 PM, Nandini Ektare wrote:
>> I think Hong's issue is different from what you had ...she had
>> rebuilt one module and it was a known module-specific issue
>> For you, based on our previous mail conversations, I gather you had
>> installed using configure-runtime (that puts ina different profile -
>> 'developer' into asenv.conf) instead of configure-cluster
>> When you run EEQL against this install, it creates new domains with
>> this setting instead of with 'cluster' fetching the settings from the
>> asenv.conf
>> And hence DAS is accessible in non-secure mode at
>> http://localhost:4848 (similarly other port assignments change)
>> whereas rest of EEQL assumes a secure mode DAS.
>> Hence NA fails to contact DAS. ...Try flipping that env setting to
>> 'cluster' or install cluster mode
>> That said I do agree this is a bit confusing ... (but I think I
>> remember seeing mails with plans to get that setting out of
>> asenv.conf... )
>> Lloyd L Chambers wrote:
>>> I saw the same problem. I also added the following to the Quicklook
>>> Read Me last night:
>>> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> QuickLook has a bug which will hang early during the ee tests
>>> waiting for an http port that doesn't
>>> exist (it typically waits until it times out on port 38080 in
>>> sqe-domain, which is the http port
>>> found in eeconfig/ But sqe-domain gets
>>> (incorrectly) created with port 8080.
>>> This can happen with a fresh checkout or a later run.
>>> --Lloyd Chambers, Dec 7, 2006
>>> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
>>> On Dec 5, 2006, at 6:59 PM, Hong Zhang wrote:
>>>> How do we run the EE QuickLook tests these days? I first used the
>>>> command "maven bootstrap configure-cluster" to bootstrap the latest
>>>> nightly build and configure a cluster profile. Then I ran "maven -o
>>>> runtest-ee". The PE part ran fine, but when it's to the EE part, I
>>>> got something like this:
>>>> Command create-node-agent executed successfully.
>>>> Command create-instance executed successfully.
>>>> start-node-agent --interactive=true --passwordfile
>>>> /home/hzhang/files/workspaces/sjsas91/glassfish/appserv-tests/config/adminpassword.txt
>>>> --terse=true --user adminuser --syncinstances=false
>>>> --startinstances=true --verbose=false --echo=true sqe-agent
>>>> Redirecting output to
>>>> /home/hzhang/files/sun/appserver/nodeagents/sqe-agent/agent/logs/server.log
>>>> Redirecting application output to
>>>> /home/hzhang/files/sun/appserver/nodeagents/sqe-agent/agent/logs/server.log
>>>> Enter Admin User:
>>>> Enter Admin Password:
>>>> Enter Master Password:
>>>> Enter Other Password Information (or ctrl-D or ctrl-Z):
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException: Error refreshing
>>>> ConfigContext:/home/hzhang/files/sun/appserver/nodeagents/sqe-agent/sqe-server/config/domain.xml
>>>> cause:
>>>> /home/hzhang/files/sun/appserver/nodeagents/sqe-agent/sqe-server/config/domain.xml
>>>> (No such file or directory)
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.config.impl.ConfigContextImpl.refresh(
>>>> at
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.config.impl.ConfigContextImpl.refresh(
>>>> So I checked, and there is indeed no
>>>> /home/hzhang/files/sun/appserver/nodeagents/sqe-agent/sqe-server/config/domain.xml
>>>> there. Anything wrong in my setup? Thanks.
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