Re: Glassfish functions?

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 14:37:36 -0800

The fix went in ~~ Oct 20

And, yes, that does say "PROPMPT" :-)

      // See is there is input that needs to be sent to the process
        // WBN Sept 2006 -- it used to check for the EXISTANCE of the
System Property -
        // now it checks on whether it exists AND is set to true.
        // note we do NOT do this if the password/user name info is sent
in as a parameter to process()!! In that
        // case we already have the info and just need to write it to
the AS process...
        // this is really overly-complex because of supporting native
startup (sigh)
        if (Boolean.getBoolean(PROPMPT_FOR_IDENTITY_SYSTEM_PROPERTY) &&
action.equals(LAUNCHER_START_ACTION) ) {
            if(securityInfo == null)
                sendInputToProcessInput(, process); //
ancient native launcher uses startserv script

Bill Shannon wrote:
> Byron Nevins wrote:
>> Exactly. The code treats the existence of the property as "true" --
>> no matter what the value is. You discovered this the same way I did
>> a month ago -- the hard way!
> Is that a bug we're going to fix?
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