Re: Glassfish functions?

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:34:10 -0800

kedar wrote:
>> I've been asking Glassfish guys to give me ways to start/stop the
>> container more easily, but so far they haven't given it to me :-(
> One step at a time, and we all are "GlassFish guys".
> We have now eliminated few extraneous processes that asadmin start-domain
> used to create. So, the startup is a bit better.
> The shutdown of the GlassFish server is even better and faster.

That's a good news. Which version of GF includes this change?

> (Thanks to Byron Nevins).
> Moving on to next thing -- being able to just call a method in an existing
> JVM is on our agenda. You've got to wait. If you have any suggestions about
> how it could/should be done, feel free to discuss them at

I think the immediate goal could be just a simplified launcher script
that doesn't fork more than one process and doesn't rely on million
system properties (assuming that this can be done much quickly than true
embedded container support) --- something as good as Tomcat, if not as
good as Jetty.

I say this because not being able to reliably invoke another Java
process that hosts GF is the biggest show stopper right now. As long as
Cargo can work reliably, I don't think people like Konsuli would mind
using it, even if Cargo internally has to do some ugly stuff. It gets
the job done, after all.

Today, it does not work reliably, as we discussed some time ago in
various bugs, and that's a show-stopper problem IMO.

> Using another script in lieu of asadmin start-domain can only do a little
> better and that, in my view is not such a great advice.

I mostly agree. But a part of this is time-to-market. If a truly
embedded container is only available in GF v3. Then the significant
number of opportunities will be lost by then. If something that works
but clunky can be delivered relatively quickly, that would be a good
bridging solution for projects like Konsuli's.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems