Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 19:52:02 +0200

> Do you think there would be any other driver than the one you are
> using that can be used against MaxDB? If yes, then you might want to
> check what they return forDatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductName().
> Otherwise, above should be good enough.
Actually I do not even know of another than the original driver. ;-)
> Thanks for the detailed description of history behind these products.
> I have personally never worked on SybaseASA nor do I know why Toplink
> chose to implement the platforms as they are currently(Tom might have
> a better insight). A wild guess is that for the subset of sql that JPA
> /Toplink generates the inheritance relationship between SybasePlatform
> and SQLAnyWherePlatform holds true. Do you think that might be the case?
I don't think so. But I could imagine that they just tried out whether
the SybasePlatform works with ASA just guessing a similarity from the
common name "Sybase" and then found only few bugs to fix, so they fixed
it just that. Whay they did not remark is that ASA has more features
than ASE, so those features are now hidden because ASE is very
constrained ans ASA platform extends ASE platform in toplink... Actually
this doesn't guarantee that ASA is optimally supported, since, as I
wrote, both platforms do not have even a smallest common denominator. So
for optiomal ASA support, current support should be dropped once there
is a "standalone" ASA platform. In fact, as it is implemented currently,
it is not better or worse than extending ASA platform from Oracle
instead of extending from Sybase...

Have Fun