Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Mitesh Meswani <Mitesh.Meswani_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Oct 2006 10:43:26 -0700

Markus KARG wrote:
> Tom and Mitesh,
> thank you for your kind help. I have removed the lines from
> and instead added the following line to
> entity-persistence/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/helper/
> SAP\u0020DB=oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.MaxDBPlatform
> This actually made the test use MaxDBPlatform instead of DatabasePlatform.
> I abstained from using a more complex regex because the MaxDB driver
> returns the simple string "SAP DB" always, so there is no need to check
> for more complex variations.
Do you think there would be any other driver than the one you are using
that can be used against MaxDB? If yes, then you might want to check
what they return forDatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductName().
Otherwise, above should be good enough.
> So now I can go on implementing MaxDB support. :-)
> BTW, I have seen that there is support for the Sybase products "Adaptive
> Server Anywhere" (aka "iAnywhere" aka "SQL Anywhere" aka "ASA") and
> "Adaptive Server Enterprise" (aka "SQL Server" aka "ASE"). I am an
> "iAnywhere" ("ASA") expert, administering, using, optimizing and
> teaching use of that product since more than ten years, supporting that
> product at ten thousand workplaces world wide, for more than one
> thousand companies (so you can imagine that I know quite well what "ASA"
> is, and what "ASE" is, and how they are related, or better, how they are
> NOT). I have seen that the support for "iAnywhere" is done by extending
> "SybasePlatform". Actually this is wrong (I think you did that because
> both is sold and developed by the same company, Sybase, and both is
> connected by the jConnect driver). This might work by incident, as it
> also would work to write a MSSQL platform by extending SybasePlatform.
> But historically and technically, it is completely wrong! As you did the
> same failing assumption days ago with "MySQL" and "MaxDB" (you thought I
> can implement MaxDB as an extention of MySQL), please let me explain so
> you can learn and fix the failure:
> Sybase developed a product called "SQL Server", a joint venture done
> with Microsoft. The project was splitted up into two products. One today
> is called "Adaptive Server Enterprise" (ASE) and gets sold and developed
> by Sybase. The other today is called "Microsoft SQL Server" (MSSQL) and
> gets sold and developed by Microsoft. Since today, they share a lot of
> common code (e. g. they are using both the TDS/IP protocol and the same
> SQL dialect), but in fact, development was splitted up decades ago and
> you can expect both to be independent products today. No one would
> implement MSSQL platform as an extention to SybaseSQL, actually.
> Watcom (known from Watcom C++ compiler suite) in the early 90s developed
> a product called "Watcom SQL Anywhere", a laptop-sized RDBMS. PowerSoft
> (known from PowerBuilder 4GL tool) bought Watcom, so they owned Watcom's
> "SQL Anywhere", which was bundled with their "PowerBuilder" tool since
> its early days already. In then mid 90s Sybase remarked that they cannot
> just sell databases, they had to bundle it with some kind of IDE, so
> they bundled it with PowerBuilder. Sybase then bought the PowerBuilder
> vendor, PowerSoft, and such obtained "Watcom SQL Anywhere" (from now on
> called "Sybase SQL Anywhere". They packaged it in a nice Sybase box, and
> it was called "Adaptive Server Anywhere" (ASA). So there is no technical
> relation between Sybase ASA and Sybase ASE. Both are 100% independent
> code till today. The only thing both products are sharing, is the TDS/IP
> protocol (which they also share with MSSQL), so this is the reason why
> the Sybase jConnect JDBC driver is able to talk to not only ASE and
> MSSQL, but also to ASA. In fact, the original JDBC driver of ASA is NOT
> jConnect but a native driver called "iAnywhere JDBC", which doesn't
> share anything with jConnect: jConnect is 100% pure Java, while
> "iAnywhere JDBC" is native code (and much faster than jConnect). Until
> today, jConnect is not able to support every feature of ASA!
> In short words:
> * MSSQL and Sybase ASE are sharing parts of their codebase.
> * Sybase ASA and Sybase ASE do not share anything.
> * Real support of Sybase ASA needs to be implemented using "iAnywhere
> JDBC" instead of "jConnect".
> So it is false from a technical view that MSSQL and Sybase ASE are
> independent platforms in TopLink, while Sybase ASA and Sybase ASE are
> linked. Actually Sybase ASA must be "unlinked" from Sybase ASE. If you
> have a look at the ASA manual you will see that both databases and
> drivers have totally different usage and constraints, they do neither
> share the SQL dialect nor any other constraints.
Thanks for the detailed description of history behind these products. I
have personally never worked on SybaseASA nor do I know why Toplink
chose to implement the platforms as they are currently(Tom might have a
better insight). A wild guess is that for the subset of sql that JPA
/Toplink generates the inheritance relationship between SybasePlatform
and SQLAnyWherePlatform holds true. Do you think that might be the case?

> Maybe that is the point why ASA is not to be found in
> entity-persistence/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/helper/
> Thanks for all!
> Markus
> Tom Ware wrote:
>> More info:
>> <snip>
>>>> How is MaxDBPlatform specified in Try switching
>>>> to:<fully qualified class name>. I will
>>>> fix the tl.platform property in the current build script. The
>>>> reason it doesn't cause problems for other databases is the existing
>>>> Databases are in general covered by our automatic detection
>>>> feature. Hopefully when you have added support, we can add MaxDB
>>>> to the list of Databases we automatically detect.
>>> To add autodetection for MaxDB, you will need to add a regular
>>> expression to
>>> entity-persistence/src/java/oracle/toplink/essentials/internal/helper/
>>> that maps
>>> the return value of DatabaseMetaData#getDatabaseProductName() by
>>> various drivers of MaxDB to
>>> oracle.toplink.essentials.platform.database.MaxDBPlatform.