Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Tom Ware <>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 15:54:18 -0400

Hi Markus,

  I'm not a CVS expert either. We use a different system internally.
That might make it easier for me to help you, or it might not.=:)

  For most of my CVS work, I use a tool called Tortoise that I
downloaded: If you use Windows, it might
be helpful to you.

  More comments inline:

Markus KARG wrote:

>thanks for you kind help, its great to become part of this project. :-)
>Unfortunately I never used cvs often (I am an VSS an SVN admin only,
>never used cvs outside of Glassfish) so I hope I did the correct
>commands (as I wrote before, CVS is considered obsoleted by SVN by many
>companies, so I never had the chance to do more than a few tests with it
>before). Please find my comments inlined.
>>1. Update the Snapshot (in English: get the latest build and put it
>>where the build expects it to be.) To do this, I do the following:
>>- checkout the glassfish/bootstrap directory from cvs
>Since I had built Glassfish just minutes ago thanks to the great help of
>Dinesh PATIL (I think PATIL is the family name?), I just tried to
>update, so I guessed the following command:
>ok, cvs up -- It seems to have updated nothing -- I even didn't expect
>it to do update something, because I just did it one hour ago.
I run my update from my base directory. (In my case: c:/cvsworkspace)

To update entity-persistence, I do the following:

cvs -d :pserver:tware_at_localhost:/cvs update glassfish/entity-persistence

The "-d :pserver:tware_at_localhost:/cvs" part of the command allows me to
connect through a tunnel I have setup to access the server from within
my company's firewall.

>>- From that directory: maven bootstrap {That downloads the latest
>>snapshot and puts it in the right place}
>ok, seems to have worked well.
>>- note: I don't even do a full glassfish build. entity-persistence is
>>quite isolated from the rest of GlassFish.
>ok, so I'll never cd into that bootstrap folder anymore
I usually do the bootstrap step every few days when I am working. That
guarantees all the dependancies are updated to the latest build.

>>2. Update entity-persistence, entity-persistence-tests and
>>appserv-tests from CVS
>>- entity-persistence = the source for the module
>ok, cvs up -- nothing updated, certainly
>>- entity-persistence-tests = the testing module
>Well... there is no workspace/glassfish/entity-persistence-tests module
>actually. I have built Glassfish, but it didn't create such a folder.
>What to do now?
Sorry, not enough detail on my part. The testing modules are not part
of the initial build or check-out. To get them:

Once again from my base folder (c:/cvsworkspace):

cvs -d :pserver:tware_at_localhost:/cvs update
cvs -d :pserver:tware_at_localhost:/cvs update glassfish/appserv-tests

After they are initially checked out, you should be able to operate on
them with "cvs update"

>>- appserv-tests = the appserver's quicklook tests. They are a
>>prerequisite for check-in
>Same with this, no such folder.
>Maven didn't create that.

Please let me know the next time you get stuck,