Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 20:13:30 +0200

Okay, stop... please. ;-)

I am a beginner with Glassfish. I started using JEE 5 SDK some weeks ago
and just want to contribute MaxDB compatibility. With or without
clustering?! My god, how should I know?! SNAPSHOTs? Well, actually I
have no clue of Maven at all. What's a SNAPSHOT good for? NO PLEASE,
actually I don't care for. I just want to know how to get this thing
built and running. Sorry for beeing so explicit, but in fact I just
wanted to contribute one day for that MaxDB thing, and now weeks are gone...

Nevertheless, thanks a lot!

P.S.: Once more the tip: If you want beginners to contribute to
Glassfish, you should not overload them with lots of different
information on several web sites. Just do one site that creates exactly
one configuration. If the beginner is able to do that, provide a second
page with additional features. But don't give him all information at
start. That's just confusing.

Dinesh Patil wrote:
> Markus KARG wrote:
>> Manfred,
>> I followed the instructions that are to be found here:
>> but as I posted to the mailing list months ago, this actually isn't
>> working. Please find the actual list of error messages in the mailing
>> list archive (each time I try it, maven downloads several 100MB)...
> The instructions are same, but the size of SNAPSHOT jar which is
> prebuilt server image, is now about 65MB for V2 with clustering
> features.. you can use "maven bootstrap-pe" for GlassFish V1 without
> clustering features, this will download the image of about 50MB, these
> targets will unzip the jar file to create the server image which will
> be used for compiling only required modules.
> thanks
> Dinesh
>> Maybe you have other instructions than those?
>> Markus
>> Manfred Riem wrote:
>>> Hi Markus,
>>> What is unclear about the instructions? I have successfully compiled
>>> Glassfish with the instructions on the website using the commandline.
>>> Can you tell me which steps you have gone through?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Manfred Riem
>>> <>
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse
>>> From: Markus KARG <>
>>> Date: Thu, September 07, 2006 10:40 am
>>> To:
>>> Cc:
>>> In fact I did not receive any response to the email below, so I am as
>>> far as I had been weeks ago. :-(
>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> > Dinesh, Markus,
>>> >
>>> > Were you able to resolve this?
>>> >
>>> > thanks,
>>> > -marina
>>> >
>>> > Markus KARG wrote On 08/31/06 10:44,:
>>> >
>>> >> Dinesh,
>>> >>
>>> >> thank you for your kind help. It must be confusing reading the
>>> thread
>>> >> after all these weeks... So here once more what I have tried to do.
>>> >>
>>> >> (1) First I tried to compile the entity-persistence module only by
>>> >> downloading the complete GF code from CVS. This didn't work.
>>> >> (2) Then I learned about maven, so I did what the homepage
>>> tells about
>>> >> how to start compiling GF from scratch. This also didn't work.
>>> Then I
>>> >> write that one long email telling all the traps I have fallen into.
>>> >>
>>> >> Both has nothing to do with Eclipse IDE. I tried both from the
>>> command
>>> >> line. Once it is possible to compile from the command line, one
>>> can doe
>>> >> "maven eclipse" to get an Eclipse IDE project. Since I cannot
>>> compile
>>> >> even at the command line, I never again tried from inside the IDE.
>>> >>
>>> >> That's where I am.
>>> >>
>>> >> If you like me to test more things, tell me the *exact* steps
>>> what to
>>> >> do. The instructions on the web are not clear enough / are
>>> faulty, as I
>>> >> wrote in that one lone email.
>>> >>
>>> >> Markus
>>> >>
>>> >> Dinesh Patil wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>> Markus,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I went throught the email thread, but I didn't get the full
>>> sequence
>>> >>> of your build commands. In some replies to Tom, looks like you
>>> try to
>>> >>> build single project e.g.entity-persistence. So if that's the
>>> case how
>>> >>> you are getting error in admin-gui?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Can you please send the steps you tried when you got this
>>> compilation
>>> >>> error? as this error shows the customized ant task is failed to
>>> >>> execute which depends on admin-gui/admin-jsf/lib/ant-apt.jar file.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> thanks
>>> >>> Dinesh
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Jim Driscoll wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> I haven't seen a reply to this - is Markus being helped?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Jim
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> Team,
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Is there anybody on the dev alias who can help Markus? :(
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> thanks,
>>> >>>>> -marina
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Dinesh Patil wrote On 08/22/06 17:45,:
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>> this is failing in admin-gui/admin-jsf which uses Apt taskdef,
>>> >>>>>> that's been added and executed using "exec"
>>> >>>>>> <exec dir="." executable="${execute.ant}"
>>> failonerror="true">
>>> >>>>>> <arg line="-f aptbuild.xml
>>> >>>>>> -Dglassfish.home=${glassfish.home} -lib ${lib.dir}/ant-apt.jar
>>> >>>>>> compile" />
>>> >>>>>> </exec>
>>> >>>>>>
>>> &