Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 13:54:59 -0700

Markus KARG wrote:

>Okay, stop... please. ;-)
>I am a beginner with Glassfish. I started using JEE 5 SDK some weeks ago
>and just want to contribute MaxDB compatibility. With or without
>clustering?! My god, how should I know?! SNAPSHOTs? Well, actually I
>have no clue of Maven at all. What's a SNAPSHOT good for? NO PLEASE,
>actually I don't care for. I just want to know how to get this thing
>built and running. Sorry for beeing so explicit, but in fact I just
>wanted to contribute one day for that MaxDB thing, and now weeks are gone...
>Nevertheless, thanks a lot!
>P.S.: Once more the tip: If you want beginners to contribute to
>Glassfish, you should not overload them with lots of different
>information on several web sites. Just do one site that creates exactly
>one configuration. If the beginner is able to do that, provide a second
>page with additional features. But don't give him all information at
>start. That's just confusing.
Yes Markus, point noted, we are planning for such instructions, and
Tom's email has some pointers to start with..
thanks for your inputs.