Re: Compiling Glassfish in Eclipse

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2006 17:07:53 +0200


thank you for your kind email, actually I did not find the time to try
out anything in the past weeks, so today is the first time that I am
back to my GlassFish MaxDB work.
> No, that would be a stretch ;).
> This is what I usually do (disclosure: Dinesh highly discourages this
> as any class removal or api change can break some other module, and
> there are several that depend on entity-persistence):
> % cd glassfish/bootstrap
> % cvs update -dP
> % maven clean -> cleans builds leftovers
> % maven clobber -> removes <root>/publish/glassfish (but doesn't stop database
> or appserver)
> % maven bootstrap configure-runtime -> 'bootstrap' brings over the latest build
> (snapshot) and 'configure-runtime' installs it.
> % cd ../entity-persistence
> % maven build
> run all the tests.
How do you do "run all the tests"? "ant test" is not working since
target named "test" is missing in the build.xml file found in
"entity-persistence". Either the readme is wrong, or the build.xml is
buggy. What shall I do?
> BTW, my derby settings for entity-persistence-tests are different:
> db.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
> jdbc.driver.jar=<root>/publish/glassfish/javadb/lib/derbyclient.jar
> db.url=jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/testdb;retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage=true;create=true;
> db.user=<any name>
> db.pwd=<any pwd>
For me as a beginner it is hard to decide which are the correct ones.
Can you and Tom please agree on one version of the story and then tell
me which is the one and only correct settings for Derby? "Unique truth"
is essential for newbies like me. :-)

Thanks a lot for your patience!