Re: cluster setup issues.

From: Nandini Ektare <Nandini.Ektare_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 18:29:11 -0700

General comment to set context:
The issues about changing commonly shared information between DAS and NA
and the way it was handled (or not handled at all) has become the focus
of changes for 9.1ee. It started in 8.2ee itself and is an on-going effort.

Please see specific comments inline.


Harpreet Singh wrote:
> Hi
> As promised in an earlier email, here are the issues that I faced
> setting up a simple node agent and instance under it.
> Forgive a rather long email to make 3 points:
> 1. masterpassword: default value needs to be exposed in the setup
> guide on glassfish. There is no mention of this.
Yes that was found necessary and I think is already in the process...
atleast for now they are already in the following docs.
> 2. Steps/error messages are non-intuitive.
Yes some of them can be improved though once you go into the EE land I
feel some introductory reading surely tends to help make them intuitive.
> 3. We ask a developer to know too much of our internal systems to do
> simple things.
IMO typically cluster setup would not qualify for a simple thing. But I
agree, suggestions to make non-simple things simple are equally
important and a true value add.
> I am listing steps/messages that are non-intuitive(to me) in blue.
> Here are the steps:
> 0. java -Xmx256m -jar glassfish-installer-v2-b16.jar
> 1. glassfish/passfile has u/p: admin/adminadmin.
> 2. ant -f setup-cluster.xml
> 3. asadmin start-domain domain1. Asks for admin password, I know from
> step1 that it is adminadmin
> So far so good, domain starts up.
> 4. asadmin create-node-agent dhoom.
> Asks for admin u/p. Asks for master password. Huh - whats that? I did
> not see it in the installation. Ctrl-c.
Kedar has worked and resolved adminpassword related issues and you may
want to refer
to his findings in these documents he had shared quite a few times on
the mailing lists.


> So I hunt on to understand where the
> masterpassword is. Eventually I land up at
> . It tells me to download WebServer and show how to configure it or
> download samples and run scripts from there. There has to be something
> simpler.
> Some more hunting...Still no idea where to get the masterpassword is.
> Maybe I will run the create-node-agent command and try adminadmin.
I tried google and I got
the information

Byron has found even better filtered way of searching
" masterpassword SJSAS"

Both give the default value of masterpassword
> 5. asadmin create-node-agent dhoom. I enter u/p admin/adminadmin,
> masterpassword adminadmin . Voila it works!!
> I find later that though this creates the node agent but it does not
> match the magic masterpassword (changeit).
Yes this is what I was referring to in my earlier mail (I have attached
it). There is no way a newly created node agent can know which DAS it is
going to eventually be bound with. So to start with it accepts anything.
The change to remove such information altogether at the 0th step had
already been considered but I forget the exact reason this was left out
in 8.2 at the last moment. Perhaps Prashanth / Kedar recollects it
> 6. asadmin create-instance --nodeagent dhoom inst1.
> Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up
> and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
> What I just created it successfully? Oh - its that thing on the email
> alias that said that there is an open issue about 4848 and 4849.
ok some basics...create-instance is remote CLI call to let a domain
(administered by a running DAS) know what instance will make it to its
underlying layout of NAs and instances. So this call is for DAS (and
hence the option --nodeagent has to be specified so that DAS knows which
NA will take care of this instance)...Because asadmin is a cross domain
tool. Now the question comes which domain. A domain in our system is
identified by host and port (for local CLI domain identification can be
done automatically in case there is just one domain but that is more for
improving convenience and (post)installation experience). Here comes the
--port part.
asadmin needs to know who to talk to. The present solution takes into
consideration the pain of specifying this in every CLI and so there are
defaults of 4849/4848 (EE/PE). And yes with the latest move to GF, we
need to resolve this 4848/4849 issue which I think is already taken up
for discussion.

Incidentally since you are interested in trying out changes simplifying
user experience and if you are not aware of, checkout new convenience
CLI : ./asadmin login . It has been quite a few months it has been
around now.

> Well I well delete the node-agent and create it again.
> 7. asadmin delete-node-agent dhoom. Worked
> 8. asadmin create-node-agent --port 4848 dhoom. Success!
> 9. asadmin create-instance --nodeagent dhoom inst1.
> Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up
> and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
> What ? Oh same issue 4849 - but hey I fixed that in 8.
No you did not. Again, create-node-agent does not mandate DAS's
presence. create-instance does and "talks" to a DAS and has to know
where to find it.
IOW, create-node-agent is local CLI and create-instance remote
> 10. I do 7 again, and vi domain.xml. Node-agent dhoom is present. So
> the delete-node-agent just deleted the directory. On snooping around I
> find that I need to do delete-node-agent-config. But I did not need to
> create-node-agent-config. I presume a do/undo command should work in
> the same manner and do/undo/undo-something-more is not intuitive.
> Nandini points out to an open issue for this case
> http://monaco.sfbay/detail.jsf?cr=6170688. Its open from 2 years and
> marked as an RFE. Are there plans to fix this.
This has been a confusion point for the generic reasons I explained in
my first mail and will be treated as a bug for 9.1 EE for reasons in the
bug details


The problem is the delete-node-agent command only delete the physical
node-agent. It doesn't update the domain configuration which is done
using the command delete-node-agent-config. Using
delete-node-agent-config will remove the nodeagent from the
list-node-agents command.

Modifying the delete-node-agent command to remove the node-agent-config in domain.xml is a straight forward change but it involves adding the the information necessary to contact the das, which would make it look just like the create-node-agent command. I need dashost, dasport, adminuser, adminpassword and master password to contact the das so I can delete the nodeagent configuration.

This would effect testing and docs and could potentially introduce new bugs. This is a good thing to add for 8.2 so I am going to make it a RFE. <> 10/20/04 23:14 GMT <> 10/20/04 23:16 GMT

Not sure if this is an RFE. As Lidia points out, at least one attempt must be made so that delete-node-agent is (sort of) "exact opposite" of create-node-agent. <> 2005-06-29 07:17:36 GMT

*Entry 1* shreedhar.ganapathy [2004-08-31 21:58] *Last updated:*
kedar.mhaswade [2005-06-29 07:17]

Will not fix for 8.2 for it is not reported by a customer and 8.2 is a restricted-bug-fix release. Changing the target release to 9.0ee.

*Entry 2* kedar.mhaswade [2005-11-23 20:02]

> 11. asadmin delete-node-agent-config dhoom and restart from step 4 again.
> 12. Step 4 with --port 4848 option and masterpassword adminadmin, Step
> 6 with --port 4848 works!
> 13. asadmin start-node-agent dhoom. u/p admin/adminadmin,
> masterpassword : adminadmin
> Node Agent dhoom failed to startup. Please check the server log for
> more details. The log says
> [#|2006-09-13T14:11:39.362-0700|SEVERE|sun-appserver-ee9.1||_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|NAGT0014:Unexpected
> Node Agent exception.
> com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException:
> NSS password is
> invalid. Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
> at
> at
> Caused by: NSS
> password is invalid. Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
> at
> at
> at
> at
> ... 1 more
> Caused by: NSS
> password is invalid. Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
> at
> at
> ... 4 more
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: NSS password is invalid.
> Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
> at
> at
> at
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
> at
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.pluggable.PluggableFeatureFactoryBaseImpl.invoke(
> at $Proxy1.getSecuritySupport(Unknown Source)
> at
> at
> at
> at
> ... 5 more
> 14. Why? Nandini (thanks a lot!) tells me that masterpassword is set
> to "changeit" by default. Oh... I remember something like this from my
> previous lifetime when I had to do security tests.
now from process simplification perspective I am sure you are mighty
happy that we have stuck to such "lifetime defaults" :)
> 15. Anyways it is not over yet.
> 16. asadmin delete-node-agent dhoom. I presume it will delete
> instances created under it. It does not.
> 17. asadmin delete-instance inst1. It does not want the node-agent
> name, fine I am okay with it.
> 18. asadmin delete-node-agent-config dhoom
> 17. I need a coffee ....
> 18. Starting from step 4 again with masterpassword changeit. Aha
> everything worked and started.
> <master-card-ad>
> Cluster Created = 1
> Headaches earned = 2
> time spent = 1 day
> understood a new developers pain = priceless :-)
> </master-card-ad>
By the way, didn't you say you needed a clustered setup? If so you have
to do a different setup. :)
Let me know if you want me to demo to you how to create a cluster and
clustered instances or you can find that in docs too...its been there
since 8.1.
> Thanks
> Harpreet


This error happens when DAS/NA master passwords do not match.

Also here are some inherent issues with the kind of problem that had to
be resolved.
DAS and NA are two decoupled processes i.e. one can run without the
other once each once goes follows a certain state diagram.
Unfortunately this leads to changes that need to be done (from a user
perspective) on both the entities but as one can be down they lead to
non-atomic best-effort actions. Delete node agent is one such example
(see its repercusion in bug 6170688). So it would be good to have delete
mirror create, but it has set of tradeoffs and assumptions. In 9.1 we
are trying to resolve as best we can per such case. Would be glad to get
more inputs here though so send in that mail.


Harpreet Singh wrote:
> Hi
> I see a NSS exception while starting the node-agent. Here are my
> commands followed by the exception:
> 1. asadmin create-domain domain1
> 2. asadmin create-node-agent --savemasterpassword=true myagent
> 3. asadmin create-instance --nodeagent inst1
> 4. asadmin start-node-agent myagent
> I have done this multiple times with a newly created domain and node
> agent.
> (Another email will follow about the pain points we put developers
> through to delete a node agent and create new ones)
> Thanks
> Harpreet
>> Please enter the admin user name>admin
>> Please enter the admin password>
>> Node Agent myagent failed to startup. Please check the server log for
>> more details.
>> CLI137 Command start-node-agent failed.
>> [#|2006-09-12T16:36:26.913-0700|SEVERE|sun-appserver-ee9.1||_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|SEC8001:
>> Exception in initializing SunPKCS11.
>> java.lang.Exception: NSS password is invalid. Failed to authenticate
>> to PKCS11 slot: internal
>> at
>> Method)
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.pluggable.PluggableFeatureFactoryBaseImpl.invoke(
>> at $Proxy1.getSecuritySupport(Unknown Source)
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> |#]
>> [#|2006-09-12T16:36:26.934-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver-ee9.1||_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|NAGT0003:An
>> exception has occurred during the initialization of the NodeAgent.
>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: NSS password is invalid. Failed to
>> authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.pluggable.PluggableFeatureFactoryBaseImpl.invoke(
>> at $Proxy1.getSecuritySupport(Unknown Source)
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> |#]
>> [#|2006-09-12T16:36:26.938-0700|WARNING|sun-appserver-ee9.1||_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|NAGT0002:An
>> exception has occurred during the sychronization of this node with
>> the DAS.
>> NSS password
>> is invalid. Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: NSS password is invalid.
>> Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.pluggable.PluggableFeatureFactoryBaseImpl.invoke(
>> at $Proxy1.getSecuritySupport(Unknown Source)
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> ... 5 more
>> |#]
>> [#|2006-09-12T16:36:26.943-0700|SEVERE|sun-appserver-ee9.1||_ThreadID=10;_ThreadName=main;|NAGT0014:Unexpected
>> Node Agent exception.
>> com.sun.appserv.server.ServerLifecycleException:
>> NSS password
>> is invalid. Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
>> at
>> at
>> Caused by: NSS
>> password is invalid. Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> ... 1 more
>> Caused by: NSS
>> password is invalid. Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
>> at
>> at
>> ... 4 more
>> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: NSS password is invalid.
>> Failed to authenticate to PKCS11 slot: internal
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
>> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.pluggable.PluggableFeatureFactoryBaseImpl.invoke(
>> at $Proxy1.getSecuritySupport(Unknown Source)
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> ... 5 more
>> |#]
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