Re: Missing Servlet / EL components -- Re: Wanted: Improving the Maven story for GlassFish...

From: Kin-man Chung <Kin-Man.Chung_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:14:43 -0700

On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 13:26, Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> > All of the Java EE 5 APIs should be there (I'm in particular need of
> > Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1, and the new EL API).
> I missed JSP 2.1. We really need a better index and/or cleanup the
> repository of anything that is no longer used. In any case, AFAICS the
> repository has
> JSP 2.0 and JSP 2.1
> Servlet 2.5
> (NO javax.servlet Servlet 2.4?)
> (NO javax.el JARs)
> Jan, Kin-Man, Greg, can you help us with this? I think we want both
> Servlet 2.4 and EL added.

EL API is included as part of JSP 2.1 API. We can have a el.jar if and
when EL has its own JSR.


> Thanks,
> - eduard/o
> Craig McClanahan wrote:
> > Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
> >> Probably the first thing to do is to start collecting ideas of what
> >> needs to be done. By my tally we have:
> >>
> >> Components
> >> JavaPersistence API, TopLink Essentials,
> >> JSTL 1.2, JSP 2.0, Servlet 2.4, JSF 1.1, JSF 1.2
> >> FastInfoset, XMLStream
> >> JavaMail
> >> Java Activation Framework
> >> JAXB
> >> What components are clearly missing? Bill was talking about doing a
> >> javaee.jar just for the APIs. I noticed that JAX-RPC seems missing
> >> and that should be easy to add, so I just sent a ping to Doug about it.
> >>
> > All of the Java EE 5 APIs should be there (I'm in particular need of
> > Servlet 2.5, JSP 2.1, and the new EL API).
> >
> >> - eduard/o
> >>
> > Craig
> >