Re: Module directory is locked and cant be deleted: {1}

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 16:18:47 -0500

Hi, Roger.

Thanks for following up on this.

Roger I Martin PhD wrote:
> Hi Tim & Byron,
> The handle.exe did confirm it was the glassfish JVM which was hanging
> on to batik-all-1.5.1.jar.
> The JVM I'm running is jdk-6-beta-windows-i586. I could test it with
> jdk 1.5 if useful.
> I changed a test case to using Batik 1.6 and the problem went away.
> Are you still interested in the test case with batik-all-1.5.1.jar
> which stays locked?
Thanks for the offer. Realistically, we probably would not have a
chance to investigate it much because it does not seem to be - directly
- a GlassFish problem.

Will you be able to proceed with Batik 1.6, now that you've discovered
that the later release does not trigger the problem?

We continue to look for ways that GlassFish could tolerate these
situations better. Even though this type of problem is not of
GlassFish's making, we realize it's a real hardship for users.

- Tim
> Note: Batik seems internally dependent on xalan.jar even though the
> parser is chosen to be the jdk's internal xerces(not from xalan.jar of
> course).
> ...
> org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SAXSVGDocumentFactory svgFactory=new
> org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SAXSVGDocumentFactory("");
> org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGDOMImplementation
> svgDOMImplementation=new org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGDOMImplementation();
> ...
> although not completely confirmed. (Not a glassfish or jsf issue)
> Btw, I do get a good reaction when I show Grizzly is runnning. Your
> names for things appeals to people.
> -Roger
> Tim Quinn wrote:
>> Hi, Byron.
>> Definitely. I'm actually going to write a short blog very soon about
>> my process for diagnosing locked jars on Windows and I'll put a link
>> to the hack jar there. I'll also describe the set-up to get the app
>> server to use it instead of the normal one.
>> - Tim
>> Byron Nevins wrote:
>>> Tim,
>>> Can I have a copy of this hack jarfile? Also, exactly how does one
>>> get the hacked jar to override the JVM files?