Re: Module directory is locked and cant be deleted: {1}

From: Roger I Martin PhD <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 17:08:45 -0400

Hi Tim & Byron,

The handle.exe did confirm it was the glassfish JVM which was hanging on
to batik-all-1.5.1.jar.
The JVM I'm running is jdk-6-beta-windows-i586. I could test it with
jdk 1.5 if useful.

I changed a test case to using Batik 1.6 and the problem went away. Are
you still interested in the test case with batik-all-1.5.1.jar which
stays locked?

Note: Batik seems internally dependent on xalan.jar even though the
parser is chosen to be the jdk's internal xerces(not from xalan.jar of
        org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SAXSVGDocumentFactory svgFactory=new
svgDOMImplementation=new org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGDOMImplementation();
although not completely confirmed. (Not a glassfish or jsf issue)

Btw, I do get a good reaction when I show Grizzly is runnning. Your
names for things appeals to people.


Tim Quinn wrote:
> Hi, Byron.
> Definitely. I'm actually going to write a short blog very soon about
> my process for diagnosing locked jars on Windows and I'll put a link
> to the hack jar there. I'll also describe the set-up to get the app
> server to use it instead of the normal one.
> - Tim
> Byron Nevins wrote:
>> Tim,
>> Can I have a copy of this hack jarfile? Also, exactly how does one
>> get the hacked jar to override the JVM files?