A blog when available would be appreciated by the user community...
- eduard/o
Hong Zhang wrote:
> Hi, Kohsuke
>>> The recommended way to deploy/undeploy programmatically is to use
>>> JSR88, which is supported fully by Glassfish.
>>> http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=88
>> Thanks.
>> - Is there a sample of using JSR-88 with Glassfish?
> We don't have a jsr88 sample, but we plan to add one for Glassfish v2.
> For now, you could look at the jsr88 utility class we wrote for the
> deployment dev tests.
> glassfish/appserv-tests/devtests/deployment/util/JSR88Deployer
> To see how this utility class get used, you could look at a simple test
> like glassfish/appserv-tests/devtests/deployment/jsr88/war/simple.
> Thanks,
> - Hong
>> - I don't think this API supports starting/stopping Glassfish.
>> How can I programatically start/stop Glassfish?
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