Re: Programatically control glassfish?

From: Hong Zhang <Hong.Zhang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2006 13:05:59 -0400

Hi, Kohsuke

>> The recommended way to deploy/undeploy programmatically is to use
>> JSR88, which is supported fully by Glassfish.
> Thanks.
> - Is there a sample of using JSR-88 with Glassfish?

We don't have a jsr88 sample, but we plan to add one for Glassfish v2.

For now, you could look at the jsr88 utility class we wrote for the
deployment dev tests.


To see how this utility class get used, you could look at a simple test
like glassfish/appserv-tests/devtests/deployment/jsr88/war/simple.


- Hong

> - I don't think this API supports starting/stopping Glassfish.
> How can I programatically start/stop Glassfish?