Re: Programatically control glassfish?

From: sreeni <sreenivas.munnangi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 17 Jun 2006 21:47:37 -0700

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any way to programatically start/stop Glassfish,
> deploy/undeploy applications?
> 1. Is there a set of Ant tasks to do this?
> (Tomcat has one, see [1])

Based on the information at [1], it assumes that the manager application
is always available.

In GlassFish we can acheive similar functionality, using

- jsr88 as pointed by Qingqing


- the runtime management implementation using jsr77 allows for
start/stop of applications

> 2. Is there a Java API that allows me to embed
> Glassfish into the current JVM, as opposed to launch
> a separate JVM?
We do not have this feature right now and is being reviewed by admin
infrastructure. Any inputs/suggestions are welcome.

> [1]