Re: Wanted: Improving the Maven story for GlassFish...

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 23:18:04 -0700

I agree there is value in separating spec and implementaiton jars.

I believe that Kohsuke is already working in synchronizing Java.Net's
repository with ibiblio. But if you have experience with Maven and are
willing to help that would be very appreciated.

        - eduard/o

Craig L Russell wrote:
> Hi Eduardo,
> I like that the persistence jars that are on the glassfish maven repo
> are split into api jar and implementation jar. It is more clear that the
> api jar is the specification and the toplink jar is the reference
> implementation. This way, developers can get the official spec jars and
> use it with any implementation. Good job.
> I'd also like to see these jars pushed to ibiblio where there are many
> other open source jars. I can help you identify a place to put them on
> ibiblio if you don't already know...
> Craig
>> We just pushed a few more components to our maven repository (see
>> entry=java_persistence_and_ejb_jars)
>> and we will continue adding components, and I expect that, as
>> part of
>> GlassFish v2, we will normalize and automate the creation of these
>> components.
>> The intention is to make this repository serve the larger Java
>> Community. This is something that, over the years, Sun has been
>> asked
>> to do, and now, with the Open Source focus, we can deliver on. I
>> have
>> already seen people starting to use javamail and activation from
>> there,
>> and I think it would be useful to spend some energy in making the
>> repository as useful as possible.
>> Probably the first thing to do is to start collecting ideas of what
>> needs to be done. By my tally we have:
>> Components
>> JavaPersistence API, TopLink Essentials,
>> JSTL 1.2, JSP 2.0, Servlet 2.4, JSF 1.1, JSF 1.2
>> FastInfoset, XMLStream
>> JavaMail
>> Java Activation Framework
>> Relatives
>> Facelets
>> Tools GF uses
>> Japex
>> Dalma
>> What components are clearly missing? Bill was talking about doing a
>> javaee.jar just for the APIs. I noticed that JAX-RPC seems
>> missing and
>> that should be easy to add, so I just sent a ping to Doug about it.
>> What else should we do? Some thoughts...
>> * We need a better index than the blogs at TA... :-)
>> * Regular announcements somewhere (including the Maven USERS
>> mailing list)
>> * Synchronization with ibiblio?
>> * Better integration with NB/Eclipse support?
>> What else?
>> Who has expertise in this area? Volunteers to help?
>> - eduard/o
> Craig Russell
> Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
> 408 276-5638
> P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!