Re: CORBA jars and maven repository

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 16:54:39 -0700

Ken Cavanaugh wrote:

>I am in the process of creating and setting up a glassfish-corba
>project on java-net. I need to understand exactly what needs to happen
>to get CORBA jar files into GlassFish once we are ready to
>build the jars in the glassfish-corba project, instead of
>going through the current re build/promote/staging procedure.
>I have a few questions:
>1. Should we use the maven jar repository for this purpose?
> I think I can just incorporate the steps that Kohsuke has
> outlined into the ORB ant files easily enough.
>2. Should we stick with the current model (with separate
> peorb.jar, optorbcomp.jar, and omgapi.jar), or
> just use a single jar file? I think a single file
> makes the most sense, perhaps glassfish-orb.XXX.jar,
> where XXX is a version. omgapi.jar is not needed,
> since GlassFish requires at least JDK 5.
Single jar in the same format of staging will be better, so that no
other build changes required.
But from current maven.repo.remote order staged jar will be downloaded
for now, we can change that to add if
everyone think we should start using this repository for some jars like
mail.jar, and other pushed jars.

>3. How should we handle versioning? I think we probably
> need to maintain branches in CVS for CORBA that parallel
> the branches for GlassFish, and then maintain a build
> number after that. So, the current version would be
> (say) 9.1.1, and we would increment the last number
> every time we release a new ORB build. The existing
> GlassFish FCS branch (9.0) is unaffected by this, as
> the current internal build procedure would remain in
> place for this.
I think we should follow the same versioning convention, that is
followed currently..

>4. What needs to be modified in the GlassFish build to
> enable it to pick up the correct version of the
> ORB jar file?
if you follow same jar format as staging while pushing to maven
repository, no need to change the build..
> jar -tvf peorb9-b01.jar
157766 Thu Apr 13 17:45:56 PDT 2006 omgapi.jar
1176559 Thu Apr 13 17:52:04 PDT 2006 optorbcomp.jar
2054438 Thu Apr 13 17:46:50 PDT 2006 peorb.jar

There jars are getting added in appserv-rt.jar in post-bootstrap step in
            <zipfileset src="${omgapi.jar}" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
            <zipfileset src="${optorbcomp.jar}" excludes="META-INF/**"/>
            <zipfileset src="${peorb.jar}" excludes="META-INF/**"/>

Hope this helps, others can add more if anything is missing.

>Please let me know if this is the correct direction to
>take, or if we should be doing something completely