Re: GlassFish jars to maven repository

From: Dinesh Patil <Dinesh.Patil_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 11:29:51 -0700

Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:

> Ramesh Babu Mandava wrote:
>> While working on putting mail & activation jars into Maven
>> repository, Kohsuke suggested an unified way to have this done for
>> all the GlassFish projects. We tried to reach you, but you were not
>> there at that time. May be we can work on this tomorrow and then
>> propose an easier solution for having different jars in Maven as part
>> of the build process ( with some flag so that we can control when we
>> want to publish different jars ).
> I figured out the glassfish directory structure and all that by
> myself, and I made necessary changes to the bootstrap POM as well as
> build scripts.

Thanks Kohsuke,
I believe glassfish directory structure is not complex to get familiar
:-) , but now we have more interests and participation so hopefully this
can be adopted by all the developers.
Your blog entry about this also looks great!

> I then pushed activation 1.1 and javamail 1.4 to the maven repository.
> Other modules in Glassfish should be able to look at those two build
> scripts to learn how to do this. I made a few other minor tweaks to
> those two build scripts.