Re: GlassFish jars to maven repository

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 May 2006 15:30:44 -0700

Dinesh Patil wrote:
> I thought you said glassfish *directory* structure and not the build
> structure.. but that too is not so complex looking at the requirements
> we are trying to address from previous one..
> We already have the meetings and discussion on GlassFish workspace, and
> here is the summary of it.

OK, yeah, you did mention directory structure. It's just when I
originally wrote "I figured out the glassfish directory structure and
all that by myself", the bulk of the time was spent figuring out the
build system. But that's certainly not obvious given the way I wrote it.
My bad.

> * Workspace team thinks that current build system is far from
> perfect on maven usage but still very stable, and easy to build,
> so don't need to scrap everything for providing few missing
> features like IDE etc.

I think there's a large gap between the characterization done above and
what I've been hearing from people around me.

I'd humbly suggest for the workspace team to conduct some usability
experiments. Take some people in our building that hasn't built
Glassfish before, and ask them to build it on their workstations, and
watch over their shoulders. See where they get stuck, what errors they
get. Compare that with other projects.

Or just ask around for people's honest opinions about their experience
in building Glassfish. Many Tango developers did it, and I'm sure they
are happy to share their experiences.

> * We are not using Maven features and don't need to use those as Ant
> provides good build infrastructure to GlassFish.
> * So we will do dry run on using Ant for downloading binary
> dependencies, and all build commands (similar to what currently we
> are using for checkout, bootstrap, bootstrap-all, build,
> configure-runtime etc)
> * *=>This is done, i checked in the changes already.. Proxy settings
> need to be resolved..*
> * Use common "classes" directory like
> ${glassfish.root}/publish/classes to compile all the classes and
> run assemble target once from top-level module (like glassfish,
> appserv, appserv-ee) to save time on updating jar files repeatedly.
> *=>this won't happen since Kedar specified that there is issue
> with current classloader issue*
> * Try NetBeans to build GlassFish out-of-the-box.
> * Once above AIs are experimented successfully, send proposal to
> dev_at_glassfish to use ANT for GlassFish Workspace.

I'm looking forward to seeing those implemented.

> We are open for more suggestions, and patches, and I believe you
> volunteered for one of the patches for variable substitution :-) for
> and glassfish.cvs.username, but never got it. ;-)

I think it eventually turns out that we can't compute them, because you
needed it for Maven POM, so we didn't have hooks to compute values from
the environment.

If things move entirely to Ant, however, then I think it becomes
possible again to compute them. So I'm happy to pitch in if there's
anything I can help.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems