A variation on 'Marina's Way'

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 12:06:54 -0700

If you don't want to copy paste a whole bunch of output from CVS into a
bug report when you close it, there is another method that you can use.....

1. log into
2. goto
this list isn't displayed on the Mailing List page anymore. [Does this
mean I know too much about Collabnet?]

3. select the month that you made the check-in...
  for example...

4. find your check-in (or check-ins)...

for example:

5. Copy the link
6. paste it into the bug report as you close it....

I know this will take longer. Minutes.

Other folks will thank you.

You may even thank yourself. [I have been saved many hour of CVS
forensics for code changes that I had made myself, but was unsure about
the details]
