Re: source bundle page

From: Carla Mott <Carla.Mott_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 10:18:18 -0700

HI Jan,

thanks for looking at this. I don't have the lock now and
I saved the page before I sent the email so you
must have looked at it soon after I finished. I think
there is a problem with twiki not releasing locks. I know
that we have this same problem with theaquarium wiki page
we use to track entries to blog about which results in alot
of emails....

Try now and let me know if you still have problems.


Jan Luehe wrote:
> Carla,
> Carla Mott wrote On 04/12/06 18:53,:
>> There are still some entries that need information in the table
>> (and I added more entries based on info from the license page).
>> Lance,
>> Do you integrate the javadb code?
>> Sheetal,
>> I know that you integrate the ORB code but it is not available yet
>> on so please update the table with that info so people do
>> go off looking for it.
>> All,
>> Who integrates the following? Please update the table.
>> ant
>> javahelp
>> jakarta-help
>> commons*
> I'll update commons* once you've released the lock on the topic.
> I will also expand commons* into its various components (one
> row per component), since each comes with its own version number.
> Jan
>> NsSecurity
>> JSR250-api
>> imq
>> Thanks,
>> Carla
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Carla Mott
Sun Microsystems