
From: gitanjali paygude <>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 23:43:12 -0700 (PDT)

  I have used JDBC Realm Code using
  1. Netbeans 5.5 Preview
  2.Sun Java System Application Server 9.0(PE9)
  3.Form Based Authentication (used the same example given in javaee 5 tutorial using JDBCREalm)
  This is working fine
  But if i add Same Deployment Descriptors i.e.
  web.xml ,sun-web.xml which contains <security-constraint> in descriptors
  in Netbeans the same code doesn't work
  and it gives me error as -
  http status 403 -access to the requested resource has been denied
  Access to the specified resource (Access to the requested resource has been denied) has been forbidden.
  Do have ne idea why Form based authentication does not work in netbeans 5.5.
  using JDBC Realm
  My server log never throws ne exception ,rather it sauthencticates user but denies the access .
  can u plz help me out,if u know the solution.
  Thank you -

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