PE 9.0 Bugswat Today at noon

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:08:17 -0800


Last Bugswat before HCF, we are still over 100 bugs.

*Toll Free Dial In Number:* (866)545-5223
*Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number:* (865)673-9887
*ACCESS CODE:* 5789900

TIME : 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST

There is now only one list since I have copied IssueTracker bugs in bugster

Thanks, Jerome

9.0 PE Open P1/P3 Bugs
9.0 PE Open P1/P3 Bugs

#    RESP_MGR        RESP_ENGR       CAT/SUBCAT       P       ID   STA  AGE SYNOPSIS                                                                                             
1    abhijit.kumar   alexandre.kravt sunone_app/admin 3  6399971   acc    0 NumberFormatException from type=jmx-connector,category=config                                        
2    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6323972   ckn  26W asadmin start-domain: necessary domain.xml transformations don't occur ...                           
3    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6372220   dis   9W stop-database: insufficient output messages                                                          
4    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6397881   acc   3D (regression) asant throws org.xml.sax.SAXException when it generate src and compile src from jsp     
5    abhijit.kumar   kedar.mhaswade  sunone_app/admin 2  6399830   dis    0 IT 319 : password alias feature not working in domain.xml                                            
6    abhijit.kumar   kedar.mhaswade  sunone_app/admin 3  6359719   ckn  14W RMIRegistry should bind to specific addresses from configuration ...                                 
7    abhijit.kumar   nandini.ektare  sunone_app/admin 3  6349895   fip  17W CLI forces every HTTP request to reauthenticate                                                      
8    abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6283331   acc   9M Cannot make sample cmpcustomer work following the sample instruction                                 
9    abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/sampl 3  6336617   acc  22W quickstart failed with ant deploy when AS path has a space                                           
10   abhijit.kumar   -               sunone_app/admin 3  6399809   dis    0 IT 17 : jmx-connector.system.address= does nothing                                          
11   abhijit.kumar   -               sunone_app/admin 3  6399850   dis    0 IT 394 : Provide an MBean attribute to get JMXServiceURL of the System JMX Connector ...             
12   abhijit.kumar   -               sunone_app/amx   3  6399853   dis    0 IT 398 : make sure that .asadminpass file is protected with 0600                                     
13   anil.gaur       amelia.roh      sunone_app/insta 3  6399839   dis    0 IT 373 : glassfish install fails in a zone                                                           
14   anil.gaur       sathyan.catari  sunone_app/insta 3  6380588   fun   6W AS9.0PE: Windows Only: Unable to start windows service if appserver is install in directory w/space  
15   anil.gaur       siraj.ghaffar   sunone_app/monit 3  6399725   dis    0 MBean com.sun.appserv:type=type=jvm,category=monitor mismatched Statistic names                      
16   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 2  6399933   dis    0 AS 9.0 PE License file needs to be updated                                                           
17   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 2  6399972   dis    0 AS 9.0 PE's screen image needs to be updated                                                         
18   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6384509   fun   4W Java EE SDK installation should support addon component installation                                 
19   anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6397306   ckn   4D WINDOWS PE INSTALLATION: Problems with Program Group ...                                             
20   anil.gaur       -               sunone_app/monit 3  6399713   dis    0 MBean com.sun.appserv:type=connection-queue,category=monitor mismatched Statistic names              
21   anil.gaur       -               sunone_app/web_s 3  6399200   dis   1D Blocking:Regression:Exception occurs when deploy the soar-modified.rar file                          
22   anil.gaur       -               sunone_app/web_s 3  6399251   dis   1D Blocking:Failed to publish jaxws 2.0 application to Xindice UDDI registry server                     
23   eliot.morrison  jie.leng        sunone_app/cmp   3  6374405   acc   8W [8.x java2DB] cmpcmrApp doesn't work on 9.0PE-Beta with Derby with jdo/pmf as datasource             
24   eliot.morrison  kenneth.saks    sunone_app/ejb_c 2  6400259   acc    0 add missing javax.ejb.EJBAccessException to ejb-api                                                  
25   eliot.morrison  mahesh.kannan   sunone_app/other 2  6375989   fip   7W [BLOCKING]STRESS:SPECj2004:Windows:Memory leak with java.exe:9.0PE:BETA                              
26   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/cmp   3  6172925   fip  18M restart required on pool change - java2db app is run after non-java2db (PasswordCredential Problem)  
27   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399832   ckn    0 IT 339 : default listeners applied to entities in persistence unit not invoked                       
28   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399838   ckn    0 IT 367 : Using lockMode hints breaks query                                                           
29   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399840   ckn    0 IT 379 : java2db should generate datatypes of Version annotated properties as if they were basic pr  
30   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399844   dis    0 IT 385 : mapping xml files are not getting validated by TopLink Essential                            
31   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399847   ckn    0 IT 388 : Literals converted to SQL parameters cause problems in the SELECT clause                    
32   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399851   ckn    0 IT 395 : EJBQL: Queries using JOIN FETCH do not return DISTINCT results                              
33   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6399855   ckn    0 IT 400 : Query Language:using concat with two params fails on Derby with SQLException                
34   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399813   dis    0 IT 123 : flush in Extended Persistence Context does not work                                         
35   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399815   dis    0 IT 124 : Entity life cycle callbacks don't work                                                      
36   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399816   dis    0 IT 136 : Parser not catching invalid type for subquery used with IN expression                       
37   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399818   dis    0 IT 146 : EJB QL: Parser not caching invalid argument type used with Arithmetic Function, MOD         
38   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399820   dis    0 IT 189 : EJBQL: SQL misses outer join for EJBQL OUTER JOIN identification variable                   
39   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399823   dis    0 IT 197 : EJBQL: duplicated tables in generated SQL                                                   
40   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399824   ckn    0 IT 256 : Exception when processing non-referenced JTA PU persistence.xml in J2SE environment         
41   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399826   dis    0 IT 268 : findbugs utility finds issues in entity persistence                                         
42   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399828   dis    0 IT 285 : problem with EXTENDED persistency and stateful session beans                                
43   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399831   ckn    0 IT 327 : persistence property names aren't qualified                                                 
44   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399833   dis    0 IT 342 : set primary key after persisting using PostgreSQL                                           
45   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399834   ckn    0 IT 344 : Using Query.setFirstResult and setMaxResults return incorrect rows                          
46   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399835   dis    0 IT 351 : REGRESSION: Overlapping PK/Fkey mapping not working                                         
47   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399837   dis    0 IT 360 : EJBQL function LOCATE fails on Sybase [Datadirect driver]                                   
48   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399841   dis    0 IT 380 : Outer Join in sybase is broken. Need to switch to use ansi join                             
49   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399842   dis    0 IT 381 : Sybase : Avg on a column mapped to a datatype INTEGER currently does not yield any results  
50   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399843   ckn    0 IT 384 : In Java SE environment persistence.xml is not getting validated by TopLink Essential        
51   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399846   dis    0 IT 386 : When class is specified both in mappings.xml and annotated, TopLink reports no primary key  
52   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399848   dis    0 IT 389 : Need to add JavaDB as a synonym for Derby                                                   
53   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399854   dis    0 IT 399 : java2db : Java 2 MySQL 2 type mapping to be updated                                         
54   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399856   dis    0 IT 401 : Vector processing is sub-optimal                                                            
55   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399858   dis    0 IT 404 : NullPointerException while accessing an initialized List (acc to spec)                      
56   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399861   dis    0 IT 410 : High contention with threads creating new objects can result in deadlock                    
57   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399862   dis    0 IT 411 : EJB QL need to be renamed in user-visible messages                                          
58   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399864   dis    0 IT 414 : MSSQL Database : AVG of a column mapped to INTEGER fails                                    
59   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399865   ckn    0 IT 415 : MSSQL : Java2DB : Column of java type is incorrectly mapped to DATE          
60   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399866   dis    0 IT 416 : Incorrect Error message while deploying WAR with mappings file                              
61   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399869   dis    0 IT 425 : Currently EJBQL is not supporting Japanese Characters                                       
62   eliot.morrison  markus.fuchs    sunone_app/cmp   3  6397017   dis   6D Need to add JavaDB as a synonym for Derby                                                            
63   eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/orb   2  6377594-M ckn   7W lookup problems with Weblogic initialcontext factory                                                 
64   eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/orb   3  6379389   acc   6W StackOverFlowError during one of the security test runtime.                                          
65   eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/other 3  6399819   dis    0 IT 178 : managed connection factory resource adapter association may be lost when deploying applica  
66   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/cmp   2  6399583   dis   1D capture-schema should not accept clear password                                                      
67   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/orb   3  6399808   dis    0 IT 16 : Setting orb-listener-1.address= has no effect                                       
68   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/orb   3  6399821   dis    0 IT 193 : enum unmarshalling creates new instance of the value                                        
69   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/orb   3  6399827   dis    0 IT 282 : Internally generated interface not found by analyzer                                        
70   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6330178   dis  24W Sometimes backend.IASDeploymentException on redeploy??                                               
71   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6398929   ckn   2D Regression:Admin GUI is no longer function after deploy a jaxws 2.0 application                      
72   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6397218-M dis   3D Servlet request.isSecure() value is not propagated when authPassthroughEnabled is set to true        
73   jim.driscoll sunone_app/web_c 3  6398808   fip   2D ThreadDeath error while running ejb devtests ejb30/hello                                             
74   jim.driscoll    lloyd.chambers  sunone_app/web_c 3  6346448   acc  18W missing type=webmodule-virtual-server monitoring MBeans in remote instances                          
75   jim.driscoll    roger.kitain    sunone_app/web_c 2  6399829   acc    0 IT 290 : JBoss Seam should work without modification on Glassfish                                    
76   jim.driscoll    -               sunone_app/web_c 2  6399711   dis    0 deploying webapps causes out of memory error (out of perm gen, actually)                             
77   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/jca   2  6399857   acc    0 IT 403 : AS won't stop when ran with Mustang starting with nightly 03/14                             
78   narayanan.murth jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jdbc  3  6321247   fip  27W Connection pool does not reach steady-pool-size immediately after validation failure.                
79   narayanan.murth jagadish.ramu   sunone_app/jdbc  3  6369554-M fip   8W connection pool need to validate a connection before giving it to application                        
80   narayanan.murth kanwar.oberoi   sunone_app/jca   3  6399721   dis    0 MBean com.sun.appserv:type=jdbc-connection-pool mismatched Statistic names                           
81   narayanan.murth kanwar.oberoi   sunone_app/jms   3  6323822   acc  26W Inbound transaction recovery not working with JMS XA resource and jdbc local resource                
82   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/jts   3  6241994   acc  12M Able to use 2 resources marked as LocalTransaction in a transaction.                                 
83   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/jts   3  6337010   acc  22W Transaction recovery not working with type4 or dd drivers.                                           
84   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/jts   3  6399822   acc    0 IT 194 : NPE during transaction rollback                                                             
85   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   2  6395360   dis   1W (EMBEDDED) XAMDB test has memory grow around 96 MB after 2 days & the memory almost reach 512MB  
86   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  5044306-M fav  13W create-jmsdest fails to detect dup jmsdest being created                                             
87   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6323809   acc  26W Outbound transaction recovery not working with XA jms resource and local jdbc resource               
88   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6364731   fav  12W MQ Trial  license - not supported by appserver 9.0 bundling MQ(4.0 PE)                               
89   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6397523   fav   4D (Window only)|Type "asadmin create-jmsdest...", server.log has Exception: creating con. to 
90   narayanan.murth -               sunone_app/jms   3  6399812   dis    0 IT 111 : Can't deploy module with MDB bean                                                           
91   sridatta.viswan anissa.lam      sunone_app/admin 3  6324610   acc  26W Cannot add property in create custom mbean wizard                                                    
92   sridatta.viswan anissa.lam      sunone_app/monit 3  6365274   acc  12W Call Flow: the response time from the detail page doesn't add up to the total time for the request   
93   sridatta.viswan jennifer.chou   sunone_app/secur 3  6392147   acc   2W Need to support standard cipher suite name                                                           
94   sridatta.viswan kai.xu          sunone_app/loggi 3  6326559   fip  25W Setting,failure causes server startup to fail                           
95   sridatta.viswan shing-wai.chan  sunone_app/secur 2  6400141   dis    0 j2eetools management tests failing due to java.lang.NullPointerException                             
96   sridatta.viswan -               sunone_app/loggi 2  6399867   dis    0 IT 419 : Exception are now logged line by line                                                       
97   srikanth.ananda bhavanishankara sunone_app/verif 3  6399811   acc    0 IT 95 : any jar is a verified Java EE 5                                                              
98   srikanth.ananda prasad.subraman sunone_app/build 3  6396380   dis   7D maven javadoc does not resolve JDK references                                                        
99   srikanth.ananda prasad.subraman sunone_app/other 3  6392250   fav   2W [JAVADOC] missing image in JSF javadocs                                                              
100  srikanth.ananda shalini.muthukr sunone_app/upgra 3  6398609   ckn   2D jvm-options get overwritten after upgrade from 8.0pe to 9.0pe                                        
101  srikanth.ananda vikas.awasthi   sunone_app/verif 3  6328564   ckn  24W verifier should delete the jsp compiler output dir and exploded dir after completion.                
102  srikanth.ananda vikas.awasthi   sunone_app/verif 3  6363586   ckn  13W Update "InterceptorMethodException" verifeir test to reflect new changes in EJB 3 specific 
103  srikanth.ananda vishwas.bhari   sunone_app/packa 3  6392690-M fun   2W Changes required to accommodate derby rebranding                                                     
104         hong.zhang      sunone_app/deplo 2  6400051   acc    0 NullPointer Exception in LifecycleModuleService and server does not start                            
105         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6340561   acc  20W deployment does not reject an applictaion with invalid XML DD that uses wrong schemaLocation attr.   
106         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6342736   acc  20W NoClassDefFoundError when using Class-Path: header in MANIFEST.MF for ejb modules deployed in an ear 
107         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6399044   acc   1D NPE when running devtests/deployment && devtests/ejb/ejb30/hello                             
108         shing-wai.chan  sunone_app/web_s 3  6375371   fun   7W run-as does not work properly for ejb endpoint webservice                                            
109         timothy.quinn   sunone_app/deplo 2  6399836   acc    0 IT 354 : Container not cleaning JAR when undeploying                                                 
110         timothy.quinn   sunone_app/deplo 3  6399849   acc    0 IT 392 : multiple redeploy of same app fails due to rename error                                     
111         timothy.quinn   sunone_app/orb   2  6397533   fip   4D COMM_FAILURE encountered when appclient contains PersistenceUnit and orb is not listening on 3700    
112         timothy.quinn   sunone_app/stand 2  6399609   fip   1D User code in app clients launched via JWS do not receive correct permissions                         
113         timothy.quinn   sunone_app/stand 2  6400011   fip    0 ACC prematurely cleans up upon return from user's Main, even if GUI still running                    
114         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 1  6399868   dis    0 IT 424 : Handlers don't work.                                                                        
115         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6397329   fip   4D ClassCastException while deploying a CTS webservices archive                                         
116         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6399859   dis    0 IT 407 : [wstester] Cannot test other then first ws operation                                        
117         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6399860   dis    0 IT 408 : [wstester] Hitting "Enter" does not test correct operation                        
118         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6399863   dis    0 IT 412 : EJB endpoint deployment bug with                                           
119         -               sunone_app/other 2  6399712   dis    0 Changes in causing tests to fail.                                                  
120         -               sunone_app/perfo 3  6400264   dis    0 Start PE from Rave is too slow                                                                       

Generated on: Fri Mar 17 11:11:40 PST 2006
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