Re: Where is javax.ejb.EJBAccessException?

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:12:20 -0500

Wonseok Kim wrote:

> Hi,
> I'd like to report the missing Exception class related to EJB 3.0.

Hi Wonseok,

Thanks for pointing this out. We will add it.


> On the EJB 3.0 core contract spec, 16.6.9 Runtime Security
> Enforcement, EJBAccessException is newly defined, but the class doen't
> exist on the ejb-api module.
> The EJB container must provide enforcement of the client access
> control per the policy defined by the Deployer. A caller is allowed to
> invoke a method if, and only if, the method is specified as PermitAll
> or the caller is assigned at least one of the security roles that
> includes the method in its method permissions definition. (That is, it
> is not meant that the caller must be assigned all the roles associated
> with the method.) If the container denies a client access to a
> business method, the container must throw the
> *javax.ejb.EJBAccessException*[92].
> ...
> Could you add this to ejb-api? Maybe the security code related to this
> needs to be modified to throw this instead of EJBException.
>Wonseok Kim
>Senior Developer/Researcher
>WAS Department
>TmaxSoft, Inc. R&D Center