Re: java-web-start directory in config?

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 12:51:54 -0600

Hi, again, Kedar.

Excellent questions.

Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
> Tim,
> Thank you. Two questions:
> - If this is *generated* stuff -- shouldn't it go to "generated" folder?
Currently, we need to ask the administrator or developer to sign the
generated jar file manually and the deposit it manually into this
directory. From then on, our Java Web Start logic finds the signed jar
there and will serve it instead of the unsigned jar that was generated
during deployment. I have some ideas for how to improve this going
forward, but there really was not enough time to do so for the upcoming
code freeze.
> Alternatively, we already have a folder for each application. If that
> app is jws-enabled, isn't it a good idea to create "java-web-start"
> folder inside that application's folder? There are some benefits of
> doing this, in a scenario that does not apply to GlassFish yet :)
Because the user (administrator or developer - whoever deposits the
signed jar file) must deal with part of our directory structure, people
were uncomfortable publishing or documenting either the applications/...
branch or the generated/... branch of the directory tree. The decision
was to create this new directory structure which is used only for this
purpose and document that. That helps avoid unintended "collateral
damage" if the user were to accidentally do something damaging having
cd-ed to either the applications/... or generated/... directory for the app.

> - Is this (going to be) documented?
This will be documented.

- Tim