AS9.0 FCS bugswat

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Mar 2006 21:47:19 -0800


We will have tomorrow our first AS9.0 FCS bugswat meeting.
HCF is 3/20 and we need to focus on fixing these bugs.

*Toll Free Dial In Number:* (866)545-5223
*Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number:* (865)673-9887
*ACCESS CODE:* 5789900

TIME : 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST

The three lists below are :
        - P1 and P2 from Issue Tracker
        - P1 and P2 from Bugster
        - P3/S1 from Bugster

If you own one of these bugs, please call in or send a representative.

Issue Type Priority Platform Owner State Resolution Summary
28 DEFECT P2 All amyroh REOPENED downloaded jar should be double-clickable to run
68 DEFECT P2 All kx125475 NEW Log file should have only information that is relevant to the users
171 ENHANCEMENT P2 All ahshishs NEW A JDBCRealm for Glassfish
176 DEFECT P2 All rlubke STARTED coercing on enum fail with IllegalArgumentException
212 FEATURE P2 All km105526 STARTED Implement asadmin login and remove --password ...
241 TASK P2 All tware STARTED Missing version number in persistence and orm schemas.
248 DEFECT P2 PC mm110999 NEW Incorrect data type is used for CURRENT_DATE
288 DEFECT P2 Sun edburns STARTED Oracle ADF Faces should run without modification on Glassfish.
289 DEFECT P2 Sun rlubke STARTED Jakarta Shale should work without modification on Glassfish.
290 DEFECT P2 Sun rogerk NEW JBoss Seam should work without modification on Glassfish
295 DEFECT P2 All snjezana NEW com.sun.enterprise.overrideablejavaxpackages property doesn't have the same value and spreaded in several places
318 DEFECT P2 All tware STARTED Exceptions thrown when try to use Application-managed Persistence Context
319 DEFECT P2 All km105526 NEW password alias feature not working in domain.xml
320 DEFECT P2 Sun tware STARTED Database lock encountered when using Application-Managed Entity Manager
322 DEFECT P2 PC tware NEW NPE when use inheritance in entity class
326 DEFECT P2 All ss141213 NEW redeployment war that use persistence api does not work on Windows
339 DEFECT P2 Sun mvatkina NEW default listeners applied to entities in persistence unit not invoked
340 DEFECT P2 Sun mvatkina NEW EJB QL Null Comparison Expressions fails with SQLException on Derby

9.0 PE Open P1 and P2 Bugs
9.0 PE Open P1 and P2 Bugs

#    RESP_MGR        RESP_ENGR       CAT/SUBCAT       P       ID   STA  AGE SYNOPSIS                                                                                             
1    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 2  6316047   fip  27W Windows services are not created for DAS and Node Agent on Windows 2000                              
2    anil.gaur       -               sunone_app/monit 2  6393219   dis    0 monitoring unit tests failing for WebModuleVirtualServerMonitor and others                           
3    eliot.morrison  sheetal.vartak  sunone_app/orb   2  6377594-M ckn   5W lookup problems with Weblogic initialcontext factory                                                 
4    jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 2  6374990   ckn   5W Response is not flushed to browser on RequestDispatcher.forward()                                    
5    jim.driscoll sunone_app/other 2  6380347-M ckn   4W file descriptor leak in AS 8.2 FCS PE due to VM bug.                                                 
6    jim.driscoll sunone_app/web_c 2  6384313   fip   2W Allow Shale/MyFaces to be deployed in GlassFish                                                      
7    narayanan.murth        sunone_app/other 2  6381793   acc   3W AsyncStartup reduce significantly Grizzly throughput                                                 
8    narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   2  6333229   ckn  21W JMS ConnectionFactory config is wrong when using the admin gui if ra.xml defaults present            
9    srikanth.ananda sanjeeb.sahoo   sunone_app/verif 2  6389740   dis   7D Verify is incorrectly reporting an error for the HTTP urls for a wsdl-file location in an appclient  
10   srikanth.ananda snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/packa 2  6380653   fun   4W Broken links in samples documentation                                                                
11         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 2  6389713   fip   7D MTOM using deployment descriptors with <mtom-enable> fails in appclient and ejb containers     

Generated on: Thu Mar 02 21:47:15 PST 2006
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9.0 PE Open P3/S1 Bugs
9.0 PE Open P3/S1 Bugs

#    RESP_MGR        RESP_ENGR       CAT/SUBCAT       P       ID   STA  AGE SYNOPSIS                                                                                             
1    abhijit.kumar   abhijit.kumar   sunone_app/amx   3  6323557   acc  24W admin GUI becomes non-responsive after adding a library                                              
2    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6296862   ckn  33W AS: Different behaviour of -s and --secure option in asadmin command                                 
3    abhijit.kumar   jane.young      sunone_app/comma 3  6323972   ckn  24W asadmin start-domain: necessary domain.xml transformations don't occur ...                           
4    abhijit.kumar   nandini.ektare  sunone_app/admin 3  6200011   ckn  15M [RN] Adding jconsole agent property to startup command, seems to disrupt internal comminication      
5    abhijit.kumar   nandini.ektare  sunone_app/admin 3  6359719   ckn  12W RMIRegistry should bind to specific addresses from configuration ...                                 
6    abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/admin 3  6345209   fun  17W Appclient undeployment generates exception in server.log and does not clean up the JSR 77 equivalent 
7    abhijit.kumar   sreenivas.munna sunone_app/admin 3  6384212   acc   2W Unable to run struts on GlassFish                                                                    
8    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6392690-M acc   1D Changes required to accommodate derby rebranding                                                     
9    eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/cmp   3  6172925   ckn  17M restart required on pool change - java2db app is run after non-java2db (PasswordCredential Problem)  
10   jim.driscoll    jan.luehe       sunone_app/web_c 3  6346448   inc  16W missing type=webmodule-virtual-server monitoring MBeans in remote instances                          
11   jim.driscoll sunone_app/web_c 3  6386229   ckn   2W Remove all call to instanceof in Valve                                                               
12   narayanan.murth sankara.rao     sunone_app/other 3  6389384   acc   7D Call flow framework should provide Exception object in the trace notification                        
13   sridatta.viswan ronald.monzillo sunone_app/secur 3  6381753   ckn   3W When using jdk 1.6 b59b and b66 with AS 8.2 PE b06, u will see "AccessControl Exception" e 
14   srikanth.ananda manisha.umbarje sunone_app/web_s 3  6385073   dis   2W and JBI code have issues with final, equals, dead stores.                                
15   srikanth.ananda shalini.muthukr sunone_app/upgra 3  6341089   inc  18W Installer and Upgradetool hang when upgrading from AS 8.0 PE to AS 9.0 PE filebase root installation 
16   srikanth.ananda vishwas.bhari   sunone_app/packa 3  6392351   ckn   1D JES5-b04: AS upgrade procedure incomplete, possible incompatibility.                                 
17         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6313365   ckn  27W Using AMX, cannot deploy unarchived webapp using appserver 9.0 PE.                                   
18         qingqing.ouyang sunone_app/deplo 3  6377790   ckn   5W No user feedback is given when an exception is thrown during application deployment                  
19         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6393216   fip    0 handler injection for ejb endpoint fails                                                             

Generated on: Thu Mar 02 21:47:16 PST 2006
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