9.0 PE Bugswat TODAY

From: Jerome Dochez <Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:22:35 -0800

Hi All

We will have a last bugswat meeting before tonight's HCF at noon. We
have 18 bugs left, please call if you own any of these.

Thanks, Jerome

*Toll Free Dial In Number:* (866)545-5223
*Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number:* (865)673-9887
*ACCESS CODE:* 5789900

TIME : 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PST

9.0 PE Open P1/P3 Bugs
9.0 PE Open P1/P3 Bugs

#    RESP_MGR        RESP_ENGR       CAT/SUBCAT       P       ID   STA  AGE SYNOPSIS                                                                                             
1    alan.sommerer   charles.mckinne sunone_app/admin 2  6404261   acc    0 Left pane of admin gui online help not displaying properly                                           
2    anil.gaur       sathyan.catari  sunone_app/insta 3  6273459   dis  10M At the end of upgrading from as81ee fcs to as81ee ur2 the installer throw NullPointerException.      
3    anil.gaur       sathyan.catari  sunone_app/insta 3  6363362-M ckn   2D Upgrade tool fails due to RHAS 4 install wrapper crash for 8.x PE -> 9.0 PE command line upgrade  
4    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 2  6399933   ckn   1W AS 9.0 PE License file needs to be updated                                                           
5    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6384509   fun   6W Java EE SDK installation should support addon component installation                                 
6    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6403250   fun   3D After in-place upgrade, the previous "Application Server PE" group link still exist.       
7    anil.gaur       snjezana.sevo-z sunone_app/insta 3  6403329   fip   3D In-place upgrade fail to maintain modify or non-modify asenv.conf from AS 8.1PE FCS to AS 9.0 PE b41 
8    eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 2  6401285   dis   6D IT 443 : Got an NPE in container-managed extened persistence context                                 
9    eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399816   ckn   1W IT 136 : Parser not catching invalid type for subquery used with IN expression                       
10   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399823   ckn   1W IT 197 : EJBQL: duplicated tables in generated SQL                                                   
11   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399828   dis   1W IT 285 : problem with EXTENDED persistency and stateful session beans                                
12   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6399861   dis   1W IT 410 : High contention with threads creating new objects can result in deadlock                    
13   eliot.morrison  marina.vatkina  sunone_app/entit 3  6402937   dis   4D IT 470 : StackOverflowError for query including literal IN subquery                                  
14   eliot.morrison  -               sunone_app/rmi-i 3  6404454   dis    0 RMIIOP tests are getting Failure                                                                     
15   narayanan.murth        sunone_app/other 3  6402335   fip   4D (regression) start domain using same port on windows is successful, server.log throws exceptions.    
16   narayanan.murth lance.andersen  sunone_app/jdbc  3  6402275   dis   5D IT 457 : Problems with org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientXADataSource                                      
17   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6402313   fun   4D (regression from 8.2) add-resources twice does not add deleted mail resource                         
18   narayanan.murth sivakumar.thyag sunone_app/jms   3  6403430   dis   3D (regression) domain starts when values of <jms-host> are changed                               
19   narayanan.murth -               sunone_app/jms   3  6399812   dis   1W IT 111 : Can't deploy module with MDB bean                                                           
20   narayanan.murth -               sunone_app/jms   3  6402271   dis   5D IT 453 : config operations for jmsdest cause warning messages                                        
21   sridatta.viswan -               sunone_app/admin 3  6404596   acc    0 Admin Gui pages aren't rendered correctly.                                                           
22   sridatta.viswan -               sunone_app/secur 2  6404139   dis   2D Tests failed when security manager is enabled  - access denied                                       
23   sridatta.viswan -               sunone_app/secur 2  6404469   dis    0 mdb runAs test fails                                                                                 
24   srikanth.ananda chinmayee.sriva sunone_app/upgra 3  6401912   acc   5D DOCS :  -  Document should be in sync online or in the upgrade tool.                                 
25   srikanth.ananda shalini.muthukr sunone_app/upgra 3  6401849   acc   5D AS9.0 upgrade tool wizard's image on the panel does not have the same theme with AS 9.0 PE installer 
26   srikanth.ananda -               sunone_app/verif 3  6402274   dis   5D IT 456 : Missing class is not reported by verifier                                                   
27         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6402273   dis   5D IT 455 : WebServiceContextImpl.getUserPrincipal throws IllegalStateException in cases when it shoul  
28         vijay.ramachand sunone_app/web_s 3  6402936   dis   4D IT 469 : Can't deploy Web service with return type defined in external Jar                           

Generated on: Mon Mar 27 10:20:29 PST 2006
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