FYI - JSR109 related changes made to GlassFish

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 14:23:25 -0800

If you currently have JAXWS based web service samples deployed and
running on GlassFish, please read on :

Some updates have been made to JSR109 (WebServices for Java EE
Specification, version 1.2). One of these changes (described below) may
affect your existing samples.

**Note that if your sample does not have any deployment descriptors (no
webservices.xml, no web.xml) and rely solely on the annotations, then
there is no effect.**

What changed in JSR109 ?

1. Relationship between <port-component-name> in webservices.xml and attribute :

-> The <port-component-name> is derived from
-> If there is no specified, then the simple name of
the endpoint implementation class is used for <port-component-name>.
-> If the simple name of the endpoint implementation class is not unique
in that module (for example, the module has two endpoint implementations and, then the fully qualified name
of the endpoint implementation class is used for <port-component-name>

How does it affect existing JAXWS samples ?

1. If your JAXWS sample does not have any deployment descriptors (no
webservices.xml, no web.xml) and rely solely on the annotations, then
there is no effect

2. If you do not have a webservices.xml to override annotated values but
you have a web.xml for your servlet endpoint, then the <servlet-name>
element should be the <port-component-name> which is derived as
described above

3. If you do have webservices.xml which overrides your annotation
values, then for proper overriding to happen, the <port-component-name>
specified in your webservices.xml should follow the above rule.

Which GlassFish build has these changes ?

GlassFish build 38 (and later) will have this change

Are there any sample apps for reference ?

All webservice unit tests in
glassfish/appserv-tests/devtests/webservice/annotations and
glassfish/appserv-tests/devtests/webservice/ejb_annotations have been
modified to reflect the above change.

If this explanation is not clear enough or your (currently working)
samples do not deploy/work as before on GlassFish b38 (or later), let us
know through this alias or GlassFish discussion forum.

