Re: HEADS UP: Changes to GlassFish admin CLI ...

From: Kedar Mhaswade <kedar.mhaswade_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 12:52:51 -0800

Hi Marina,
    Good question, although this is not directly related to present
change as passwordfile has always been there.
    The asadmin commands need several passwords and the way to specify
those passwords is: AS_ADMIN_password-name. Since none of these can now
be provided on the command line in clear, they have to be placed in file
as name value pairs Following are the passwords:

password intended contents of --passwordfile

password => AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=value
adminpassword=>AS_ADMIN_ADMINPASSWORD=value (used only by create-domain
master password=> AS_ADMIN_MASTERPASSWORD=value
mq password => AS_ADMIN_MQPASSWORD=value

And there are few others.

    We will improve the message as you suggested.

    Actually, all of this is moot once you use asadmin login command.
I'd be interested in your feedback on this command. Once you
successfully "login" [logical equivalent of the GUI's login screen] to a
server (of course you'd need to start the server using asadmin
start-domain command), you'd never need to supply any user name and
passwords. Here is how the user experience changes (we hope this is a
big plus!):

place the password in passfile
asadmin command-name-1 --user admin --passwordfile passfile ....
asadmin command-name-2 --user admin --passwordfile passfile ....
asadmin command-name-3 --user admin --passwordfile passfile ....
asadmin command-name-4 --user admin --passwordfile passfile ....

asadmin login
asadmin command-name-1
asadmin command-name-2
asadmin command-name-3
asadmin command-name-4


As the number of commands increase, the usability increases!


Marina Vatkina wrote:

>Out of all this information, I can't find how my password file
>should look like. I get the following (not helpful) error message:
>...Passwordfile should contain the following format AS_ADMIN_<password
>option>=<password value>.
>What is <password option>?
>Kedar Mhaswade wrote On 02/16/06 17:31,:
>>This is II reminder. The Saturday (18 Feb 2006) Build for GlassFish will
>>have the changes that will reject any password that was provided on
>>command line in clear.
>>If you are used to the promoted GlassFish builds from
>>, promoted build b38 will have these changes.
>>Let me know if you see any problems.
>>Kedar Mhaswade wrote:
>>>Hello All,
>>> This is to let you know that we are doing a fundamental change to
>>>the GlassFish admin CLI (aka asadmin) and that is to remove the
>>>support the (so called) reusable passwords on command invocations.
>>>Thus, --password on any remote asadmin command will not be supported.
>>>Following links have details:
>>>- The project page --
>>>- The issue # 212 --
>>>Please start modifying your automated scripts if any, using
>>>--passwordfile. If you can wait, please see if the new feature
>>>"asadmin login" is useful to you (we believe so) in which case, the
>>>remote commands may require neither --passwordfile nor will you be
>>>prompted for the admin password.
>>>Let me know if you have any issues. And yes, spread the word.
>>>It looks like February 15, 2006 is when --password, --adminpassword
>>>followed by their cleartext values will generate an error. If there is
>>>any change in the plan, I will let you know in advance.
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