Re: Glassfish build process: can't it be easier?

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:47:33 -0800

> To make it easier, we need to decide if we want to go with a pure ANT
> build or move to Maven 2.0 (or stay with Maven 1.x but use Maven as it
> should). Right now we aren't using Maven the way it should, as Maven
> under the hood calls Ant. The workspace is quite complex, and moving all
> build.xml to Maven might take a lot of time.
> Having a pure Ant or Maven build will make it easier to build.

I agree 100% that "a pure Ant or Maven build will make it easier to
build." But I didn't know that the Glassfish project was still arguing
about whether to use Maven or not.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems