For the simplest of service, you do not need packaging at all - checkout
For deploying as a WAR or a JAR, GlassFish is flexible on what you
package :
. You can package just the endpoint impl class along with a basic
web.xml/ejb-jar.xml only (annotations/webservice/warservice,
. You yourself can generate all artifacts and package along with these
along with wsdl etc (annotations/webservice/pkgedwarservice,
The above are true for java-wsdl way of developing a service. If you
start from WSDL, use wsimport to generate SEI and then implement the
SEI, it would be good if you package everything
(annotations/webservice/wsdltojava). If you do not package anything in
the wsdl-java case, even then GlassFish will generate all the required
stuff - only thing it is not guaranteed that the WSDL generated and
published will be exactly the same as the one you used to generate SEI
in the first place.
Hope this helps
On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 06:03, Mark Hansen wrote:
> I am creating some sample JAX-WS web services to deploy on Glassfish. I
> a little confused about the packaging. Can anyone recommend one of the
> tests to follow as a model?
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