Re: Checking out glassfish/www on Windows box

From: Carla Mott <Carla.Mott_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 11:32:06 -0800

Hi Ostap,

And here I thought I was the only one checking out that part of the

I am aware of the issue however I can not fix it as I don't have admin
priviledges to glassfish module. I do have meeting Monday at 10am PST to
to resolve this. It is a problem on Windows when there are filenames
that differ in case only AND there is a tag on the workspace. On Unixed
based system oelig.gif and OElig.gif are not the same file.

Note that if you are building GlassFish, the www directory is not used
in the app server build. www is where the webpages for the site are kept.
To avoid this problem use the instructions in building GlassFish to get only
the parts of the workspace that you really need. See


Ostap Cherkashin wrote:
> Guys,
> I am doing the:
> > cvs -d %JNET% co glassfish/www
> [...]
> U glassfish/www/javaee5/docs/ADG/css/advanced.css
> U glassfish/www/javaee5/docs/ADG/css/default.css
> U glassfish/www/javaee5/docs/ADG/css/ic_bullet.gif
> U glassfish/www/javaee5/docs/ADG/css/ic_bullet_white.gif
> cvs server: Updating glassfish/www/javaee5/docs/ADG/ents
> cvs [server aborted]: OElig.gif,v is ambiguous; could mean oelig.gif,v
> or OElig.gif,v
> cvs checkout: dying gasps from
> <> unexpected
> But on GNU/Linux machine with ext3 'cvs co' seems to work fine.
> Ostap

Carla Mott
Sun Microsystems